This repository contains my Vim/Tmux setup.
# Build docker image
docker build -t pc-setup .
# Run container to try this setup
docker run --rm -it pc-setup
# Use this container as code editor
docker run -it --privileged=true -v PATH_TO_SOURCE_CODE:/app pc-setup /bin/bash
git clone
cd pc-setup
sudo chmod +x
sudo ./
source ~/.bashrc
All others commands no cited here remain default.
- Vim
- Ctrl + (h,j,k,l) : Move between panes
- Ctrl + w + (7,8,9,0) : Resize panes
- jk or kj : Normal mode
- za : Toogle folding paragraph
- zr : Unfolding all paragraphs
- Ctrl + n : Toogle folding files manager
- Plugins:
- Bash
- jk : Vi mode on bash
- lt N : List all files and directories, hidden are included, in Tree mode with N Level depth
- l : Clear console and list everything but .git with N=1
- ll : Clear console and list eveything in vertical mode
- gs : Git status
- gd : Git diff (with diff-so-fancy)
- gh : Git history ( with link)
- tasks : list TODO, FIXME and BUG tags on versioned code
- c : Clear bash (Ctrl + l remapped)
- fuck : Corrects previous console command (with thefuck)
- Tmux
Bash starts in last tmux session(I work with just one session and many windows and panes)
- Ctrl + z : Leader Key(LK)
- Ctrl + (h,j,k,l) : Move between panes
- LK + c : Create new window
- LK + n : Go to next window(right)
- LK + p : Go to previous window(left)
- LK + w : Change between windows with preview
- LK + d : Detach from session(tmux attach, to attach to session)
- LK + & : Kill window
- LK + x : Kill current pane
- LK + , : Rename window
- LK + | : Split window vertically
- LK + - : Split window horizontally
- LK + { : Swap pane with last pane
- LK + ! : Open current pane on new window
- Alt + (h,j,k,l) : Resize panes