Jose Cruz
GitHub Username: JoseCruz-MVP
Mianta McKnight
GitHub Username: RogueStorm7
Chris Storrer
GitHub Username: storrer
This application is to allow the user to navigate beautiful NYC and will serve as a
AS A avid traveler, I am visiting a city that has been on my bucket list for a long time. With 2020 making me realize how short life is, I decided to check this dream trip to NYC off my bucket list.
I WANT To navigate the city with ease. SO THAT I can easily navigate the city with a user friendly app that allows me to find all the activities, attractions, and sights easily so I can maximize my trip.
To use this application you will need use the terminal. You can use Powershell or Bash
- Create a virtual environment
At the root folder of the repository run:
python3 -m venv venv
Make sure to call your virtual environment "venv"
Windows Powershell users:
Bash users:
source venv/Scripts/activate
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python runserver
And go to http://localhost:8000
NYC gif was obtained from
© 2022 Jose Cruz, Mianta McKnight, Chris Storrer| All Rights Reserved