I am an assistant professor at the University of Toronto, jointly appointed in the Faculty of Information and the Department of Statistical Sciences. I am also the assistant director of CANSSI Ontario, a senior fellow at Massey College, a faculty affiliate at the Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society, and a co-lead of the DSI Thematic Program in Reproducibility.
📚 My book on foundational data science, Telling Stories With Data, was published by Chapman and Hall/CRC in 2023. A free online copy is available here, and a hard copy is available for purchase here.
🧑💻 My research investigates how we can develop workflows that improve the trustworthiness of data science. I am particularly interested in the role of automated testing in data science.
🇦🇺 in 🇨🇦 I am married to Monica Alexander, and we have two young children. We are Australian, but live in Canada!