Docker image to generate elevation contours pbf files
I've always wondered how mapbox vector tiles are created, why elevation contours are so difficult to find to build my own maps...
So I modified OpenMapTiles toolchain to build my own elevation vector tiles.
It is already integrated into my Contour branch of OpenMapTiles toolchain. Check it here:
You'll need to register to in order to allow phyghtmap to download elevation data. It's free.
Once you have your user and login, create a file named .earthexplorerCredentials in the root directory of the repo with the content:
and pass it to the docker run as environment file.
You'll need to pass to the image a volume where stands your .poly file defining the area you need to create.
--mount source=my_directory,target=/import
In my_directory directory, download from a poly file the image will use.
And just run the image
docker run --rm --env-file=.earthexplorerCredentials --mount source=my_directory,target=/import generate-osm-contours:1.0
The image will generate a pbf of contours data in OSM format, thanks to
It is configured to generate 10m steps lines.