Touchpad Gaming. Drag Freely.
Touchpad FPS mode.
An experiment I did to see if remapping inputs could improve touchpad dexterity for gaming.
It swaps Left-click input with Space bar, and Right-click with Shift.
pip install pyobjc-framework-Quartz
Chatting with space bar remapped would be really jarring, so it's just meant to be running while playing something.. that doesn't involve chatting. Ctrl + C out of the script to return to normal. Give yourself a solid hour or two chance to acclimate.
The issue with trackpads is that when you click, your movement is hindered. With mice, when you click, your movement is still controlled by your arm, wrist, or pinky and thumb.
Well I guess you may be a claw person who plants their wrists and moves the mouse with their fingers when grounded, even then though the friction doesn't change while clicking.
If it's a friction issue, would it be easier with those touch screen finger condoms?
Well with a mouse you can also hold a button down while you lift.
The solution is usually to hold a finger from the other hand down while dragging. That holds the click button down while you lift to relocate your pointer finger.
So how about Shift to left-click and Ctrl to right-click? or Space to left-click and Shift to right click?
Then you can use the trackpad clicker for momentary inputs that don't need to be held, which would impede tracking.
Shoot with Space Right-click action with Shift Jump with one-finger click Start sprint with two-finger click
Game integration: Ask if they're on a laptop if a battery is detected, because there's a key map optimized for touchpad use. Tell me more - explain this reasoning
It's also tiring clicking unsupported so much with a hard touch pad and clicking so much in FPSs