Wrapper around Swiftmail.
The mailer wrapper can be used without any knowledge of Swift Mailer, or by using the full power by creating your own Swift_Message.
composer require ronrademaker/mailer
Assuming you'll want to register the mailer in a DIC, Symfony XML example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Services file that should be included in any DHD project
<container xmlns='http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services'
xsi:schemaLocation='http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services/services-1.0.xsd'>
<parameter key='mailer_twig.path'>[LOCATION OF YOUR TEMPLATES]</parameter>
<parameter key='mailer_twig.options' type='collection'>
<service id='mailer_transport' class='Swift_Transport'>
<factory class='Swift_SendmailTransport' method='newInstance'/>
<service id='mailer_swift' class='Swift_Mailer'>
<factory class='Swift_Mailer' method='newInstance'/>
<argument type='service' id='mailer_transport'/>
<service id='mailer_twig_loader' class='Twig_Loader_Filesystem'>
<service id='mailer_twig' class='Twig_Environment'>
<argument type='service' id='mailer_twig_loader'/>
<service id='mailer' class='RonRademaker\Mailer\Mailer'>
<argument type='service' id='mailer_twig'/>
<argument type='service' id='mailer_swift'/>
{% block subject 'My Mail Subject' %}
{% block body_html %}
<p>Some mail with HTML formatting</p>
{% endblock %}
{% block body_text %}
Some mail in boring plain text
{% endblock %}
$mailer->sendEmail(['example@example.org' => 'Example Receiver'], 'sender@example.org' => 'Example Sender', 'my_twig_template');
Create your message in $message and
It is possible to use a Determiner to retrieve the receivers (email/name) from an email configuration. For instance from an object:
$profile = new Profile();
$profile->setFullName('Foo Barz');
$emailConfiguration = ['{{email}}' => '{{full_name'}}];
$determiner = new RonRademaker\Mailer\Receiver\Determiner();
$receiver = $determiner->getReceivers($profile, null, $emailConfiguration);
// results in ['foobarz@example.com' => 'Foo Barz'];
Or an object with chained field configuration:
$profile = new Profile();
$profile->setFullName('Foo Barz');
$company = new Company();
$emailConfiguration = ['email' => '{{contactperson.email}}', 'name' => '{{contactperson.full_name'}}];
$determiner = new RonRademaker\Mailer\Receiver\Determiner();
$receiver = $determiner->getReceivers($company, null, $emailConfiguration);
// results in ['email' => 'foobarz@example.com', 'name' => 'Foo Barz'];
NOTE: The determiner requires getters.
Or just hardcoded settings:
$emailConfiguration = ['email' => 'foobarz@example.com', 'name' => 'Foo Barz'];
$determiner = new RonRademaker\Mailer\Receiver\Determiner();
$receiver = $determiner->getReceivers($object, null, $emailConfiguration);
// results in ['email' => 'foobarz@example.com', 'name' => 'Foo Barz'];