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Simple application for controlling JK-BMS via Bluetooth low energy


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BMS Monitor [BLE]

Battery Management System JK-BMS control via Bluetooth low energy

Supported devices

All JK-BMS models with software version >=6.0 are using the implemented protocol and should be supported.

  • JK_BD6A20S6P, hw 17U, sw 17.02
  • JK_BD6A17S6P, hw 11.XA, sw 11.48

First steeps:

Clone project:

git clone
  1. Install Node.
  2. Install Yarn.
  3. Install Docker-compose.
  4. Setup Nginx and SSL ( )
  5. To access from outside the local network, you need to get a static IP address.

Make sure that the systemctl service is running:

sudo systemctl start bluetooth
sudo systemctl enable bluetooth

Build Docker:

yarn build

To copy static resources after a manual build:

yarn static


yarn prod


yarn dev

[AUTO] Deploy via PM2

chmod +x
npm install pm2 -g
pm2 start ecosystem.config.js

Clear Database

docker ps
docker exec -it bms-monitor-ble-python-app-1 bash
rm /app/data/*.db
docker compose restart


The official app left me dissatisfied due to its lack of essential features. It doesn't provide critical notifications, such as alerts in Telegram for a low battery level, missing charging, or potential issues with the BMS itself. Monitoring these parameters while standing next to the BMS with my phone felt inefficient and inconvenient. I envisioned a solution where I could access all this data and functionality from anywhere in the world, without being tethered to a specific location.

Inspired by this need, I decided to create my own project using Python and develop a web application that integrates all these features in one place. Unlike the official app, my application includes real-time notifications, remote accessibility, and, importantly, data visualization through detailed charts—something the official app also lacks. This project is a step toward simplifying BMS monitoring and ensuring a seamless user experience, no matter where I am.

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