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###MToolBox MToolBox is a highly automated bioinformatics pipeline to reconstruct and analyze human mitochondrial DNA from high throughput sequencing data. MToolBox includes an updated computational strategy to assemble mitochondrial genomes from Whole Exome and/or Genome Sequencing (PMID: 22669646) and an improved fragment-classify tool (PMID:22139932) for haplogroup assignment, functional and prioritization analysis of mitochondrial variants. MToolBox provides pathogenicity scores, profiles of genome variability and disease-associations for mitochondrial variants. MToolBox provides also a Variant Call Format file (version 4.0) featuring, for the first time, allele-specific heteroplasmy. The MToolBox pipeline includes:

  • an extended version of a previously published computational strategy for mtDNA genome assembly (PMID: 22669646). The pipeline has been integrated with the detection of insertions and deletions (indels) and the assessment of the heteroplasmic fraction (HF) and related confidence interval (CI) for each mt variant. HF and CI are integrated as genotype specific meta-information in a Variant Call Format (version 4.0) file;
  • the mt-classifier tool, for haplogroup prediction, mt variant functional annotation and prioritization


WARNING: due to the file size of the nuclear GSNAP databases generated with the GSNAP version 2015-12-31.v7 (~20GB) we were unable to upload the hg19RCRS/hg19RSRS databases to the [MToolBox sourceforge webpage] ( MToolBox users may follow the guidelines to build GSNAP databases available here or use the script provided within the mitoNGS repo, to help the MToolBox users building GMAP/GSNAP databases. To check the usage of the script please type: -h

Usage example to build the GMAP/GSNAP database in the current working directory: -D . -n hg19RCRS -f hg19RCRS.fa -k 12 

Further information about how to to generate GMAP/GSNAP database can be found at the [GSNAP readme] (

###MTOOLBOX SCRIPTS is the shell script invoking all the following programs:

  • Sam2Fastq.jar to convert either SAM or BAM files to FASTQ format. This module is included in the ext_tools folder;
  • to map reads on RSRS and hg19. It invokes GSNAP;
  • SortSam.jar, MarkDuplicates.jar, SamFormatConverter.jar (PicardTools suite; for SAM/BAM manipulation at several stages of the pipeline and elimination of PCR duplicates. These modules are included in the ext_tools folder;
  • GenomeAnalysisTK.jar (GATK suite; PMID: 20644199) for indels realignment. This module is included in the ext_tools folder;
  • to assemble the mitochondrial genome and perform variant calling and heteroplasmy quantification, by invoking:
  • mpileup (samtools)
  • module;
  • to report variants in the VCF file (version 4.0). It invokes the vcf module (elease 0.60 PyVCF; https://githubcom/jamescasbon/PyVCF/);
  • for haplogroup prediction;
  • for functional annotation;
  • for variant prioritization;
  • to report statistics about coverage of reconstructed genomes, predicted haplogroups, number of homoplasmic, heteroplasmic and prioritized variants


By default, MToolBox adopts the RSRS (Reconstructed Sapiens Reference Sequence, PMID: 22482806) as mitochondrial reference genome and hg19 as nuclear reference genome. Alternatively, the user can choose to use the rCRS (revised Cambridge Reference Sequence). For user's convenience, fasta files and related gsnap indexes for the two reference sequences can be downloaded at

List of fasta files and index .fai files in the genome_fasta folder ( :

  • chrRSRS.fa
  • chrRSRS.fa.fai
  • hg19RSRS.fa
  • hg19RSRS.fa.fai
  • chrM.fa (i.e. rCRS)
  • chrM.fa.fai
  • hg19RCRS.fa
  • hg19RCRS.fa.fai

The default directory for these files is /usr/local/share/genomes/, otherwise you must specify the actual path using the options -r (for further details please refer to "RUNNING MTOOLBOX" section).

List of compressed files of gsnap indexes in the genome_index folder (

  • chrRSRS.tar.gz
  • hg19RSRS.tar.gz [currently unavailable]
  • chrM.tar.gz
  • hg19RCRS.tar.gz (i.e. rCRS) [currently unavailable]

The default directory for decompressed folders is /usr/local/share/gmapdb/, otherwise you must specify the actual path using the options -M and -H, respectively (for further details please refer to "RUNNING MTOOLBOX" section).

The MToolBox folder includes the MITOMAP_HMTDB_known_indels.vcf file, containing 127 known indels annotated in MITOMAP and HMTDB and the related intervals_file.list used by GATK GenomeAnalysisTK.jar module. The MToolBox folder also includes 2 tab-separated files, patho_table.txt and sitevar_modified.txt, containing variant-specific and site-specific information, respectively, used in the annotation step.


Simply add the MToolBox path to your system PATH with the following command:

export PATH="/path/to/MToolBox/:$PATH"


Basic execution of MToolBox can be run as follows: -i <input_format>

Please note that you MUST specify the -i option (sam|bam|fastq|fasta). The basic command must be executed inside the folder containing your input files, otherwise see MTOOLBOX PROGRAM OPTIONS section to specify input/output folders paths. Please note that only one of the supported formats can be used within a single MToolBox run. MToolBox also accepts compressed fastq files (FASTQ.GZ). For a complete list of options please run as follows: -h

IMPORTANT: if you wish to run again MToolBox in the same folder, it is preferable that you delete all the files produced during the previous execution.


Besides the mandatory -i option, the execution of MToolBox can be fine-tuned by tweaking parameters of the and scripts by running MToolBox as follows: -i <input_format> -r <reference_sequence> -m "<mapExome_options>" -a "<assembleMTgenome_options>" -c "<mt-classifier_options>"

Most relevant options:

-i ( to choose the input file(s) format (mandatory).

-p ( to set the specific path to the input folder.

-o ( to set the specific path to the output folder.

-l ( to indicate a list of file names to be analyzed. Argument of the option can be a list of comma separated file names or a txt file with one file name per line.

-X ( to enable extraction of mitochondrial reads from the input file, avoiding realignment of all the reads. Useful only for BAM input files

-r ( to choose the mitochondrial reference sequence for read mapping. Please note that the selected reference sequence will be used as reference for the VCF output file. Allowed values are RCRS and RSRS. Default is RSRS.

-s ( to set the full path to samtools if not installed in /usr/local/bin/

-M ( to enable duplicate read removal by MarkDuplicates.

-I ( to enable mapped reads realignment around indels annotated in MITOMAP and HMTDB by GenomeAnalysisTK.jar.

-t ( to set the number of threads used by gsnap. Default is 8.

-t ( to set the minimum distance from the read end required to retain an indel for variant calling. Default is 5. Please note that only values >= 5 are allowed.

-z ( to set the minimum heteroplasmy threshold for variants to be reported in the FASTA consensus sequence. Default is 0.80.

For the full list of MToolBox options, please run as follows: -h

For the full list of mapExome and assembleMTgenome options, please run as follows: -h -h -h

Usage examples:

  1. Input and output files are placed in the working directory -i fastq -M -I -m "-t 20 -M /path/to/gsnapdb/chrRSRS/ -H /path/to/gsnapdb/hg19RSRS/" -a "-t 10"

this command can be launched if the fastq files are placed in the working directory. The command will take all the fastq files placed in theworkind directory as input (-i fastq), enable duplicate read removal (-M), enable mapped reads realignment (-I), set the number of threads used by gsnap will be set to 20 (-m "-t 20..") and the path to GMAP/GSNAP mitochondrial and nuclear indexes(-M and -H respectively). Finally, the minimum nucleotide distance allowed from read end, to retain indels, will be set to 10 (-a "-t 10").

  1. Input and output files are placed in a user-specified input/output directory -i bam -l mysample1.bam,mysample2.bam -p /path/to/input/folder/ -X -a "-z 0.9" -o /path/to/output/folder/

this command will run MToolBox on 2 bam files (-i bam -l mysample1.bam,mysample2.bam) placed in the input folder (-p /path/to/input/folder/). Only reads previously mapped to the mitochondrial genome will be considered in the analysis (-X), avoiding the re-mapping of all the reads cointained in the input files. Only variants with heteroplasmic fraction HF>0.9 will be reported in the FASTA consensus sequence (-a "-z 0.9"). All the results will be placed in the specified output folder (-o /path/to/output/folder/).

  1. Usage of rCRS as reference sequence and database/fasta/executables installed in a user-defined directory

If gsnap (and related databases), samtools, muscle executables and fasta reference sequences are not installed in the default directory used by MToolBox (/usr/local/bin/), here is an example of the command line to run MToolBox, using the options to point to the correct gsnap (executable and databases), samtools, muscle executables and fasta sequence locations (in the following example: bam file is used as input, rCRS is used as reference sequence, instead of the default RSRS reference sequence): -i bam -r RCRS -m "-g /path/to/gsnap/gsnap -D /path/to/genome_index/ -M chrM -H hg19RCRS " -a "-r /path/to/genome_fasta/ -f chrM.fa -a hg19RCRS.fa -s /path/to/samtools/samtools " -c "-m /path/to/muscle/muscle" -s /path/to/samtools/samtools


MToolBox default outputs are:

  • VCF_file.vcf contains all the mitochondrial variant positions against RSRS/rCRS and other meta-information.

  • mt_classification_best_results.csv reports for each sequence the best haplogroup prediction. If the sorting results in more than one best haplogroup prediction with equal probability, the output will enclose all of them.

  • prioritized_variants.txt contains annotation only for prioritized variants for each sample analyzed, defined as variants recognized by the three reference sequences (rCRS, RSRS and MHCS), sorted per increasing nucleotide variability.

  • summary_<date_time>.txt reporting a brief summary of selected options, predicted haplogroups, number of total and prioritized variants for each sample and, for NGS data only, coverage of reconstructed genomes, number of homoplasmic and heteroplasmic variants.

  • OUT_<sample_name> folders containing:

  • outmt.sam: reads mapped onto the human mitochondrial DNA;

  • logmt.txt: GSNAP log file for mitochondrial DNA mapping;

  • outmt.fastq: fastq file of single reads extracted from outmt.sam file;

  • outmt1.fastq: fastq file of paired reads extracted from outmt.sam file;

  • outmt2.fastq: fastq file of paired reads extracted from outmt.sam file;

  • outhumanS.sam: single reads mapped onto the entire human genome;

  • loghumanS.txt: GSNAP log file for human genome mapping (single reads);

  • outhumanP.sam: paired reads mapped onto the entire human genome;

  • loghumanP.txt: GSNAP log file for human genome mapping (paired reads); - OUT.sam: alignments of reads uniquely mapped on mitochondrial genome;

  • OUT2.sam: alignments of reads uniquely mapped on mitochondrial genome, after processing with IndelRealigner and/or MarkDuplicates. This file will be generated anyway, even if these two processes have been disabled;

  • mtDNAassembly-table.txt: the main table describing the assembly position by position;

  • mtDNAassembly-Contigs.fasta: a fasta file including all reconstructed contigs;

  • mtDNAassembly-coverage.txt: a text file including the coverage per contig and per mitochondrial known annotation;

  • logassemble.txt, which is the log file of the script

  • sorted.csv contains a table with each haplogroup whose prediction is > 90%. It contains the following fields:

    1. N = the number of SNPs in the fragment sequence vs RSRS;
    2. Nph = the number of SNPs (among N) mapped in Phylotree;
    3. Nph_tot = the number of SNPs defining the haplogroup in the whole genome;
    4. Nph_exp = the number of SNPs defining the haplogroup in the fragment region;
    5. P_Hg = the prediction percentage value for the haplogroup (Nph/Nph_exp*100);
    6. Missing sites = the mutation events that are not present in the query genome but were expected from its respective path to the RSRS. These mutations may also point to a sequencing error;
  • merged_diff.csv file reports the SNPs between the query genome and each of the three sequences RSRS, rCRS and hg_MHCS (Macro-Haplogroup Consensus Sequence);

  • <sample_name>.csv contains a table where, for all the haplogroups present in the Phylotree Build 15, are reported the same data as in the file <sequence_name>.sorted.csv, except for the Missing Sites field;

  • annotation.csv is a further elaboration of the file \merged_diff.csv, providing, for each mt variant allele between the query genome and each of the three sequences RSRS, rCRS and hg_MHCS, several annotations:

    1. Sample = sample name;
    2. Variant Allele = nucleotide position in mitochondrial genome followed by the variant allele;
    3. HF = Heteroplasmic Fraction, as reported in the VCF file;
    4. CI_lower;CI_upper = lower and upper limits of the confidence interval of the heteroplasmic fraction;
    5. RSRS = if "yes", the variant is recognized by RSRS;
    6. MHCS = if "yes", the variant is recognized by the Macro-Haplogroup Consensus Sequence;
    7. rCRS = if "yes", the variant is recognized by rCRS;
    8. Haplogroup = the best predicted haplogroup;
    9. Other Haplogroups = if "+", the variant defines other haplogroups beside the sample specific haplogroup;
    10. Locus = mitochondrial gene locus;
    11. Nt Variability = SiteVar variability value;
    12. Codon Position = nucleotide position within the codon;
    13. Aa Change = amino Acid Change;
    14. Aa variability = MitVarProt amino acid variability value;
    15. tRNA annotation = specific information regarding mitochondrial tRNA genes (position in tRNA; tRNA type; cloverleaf secondary region; mature nucleotide; involvement of the specific position in tRNA folding);
    16. Disease score = an overall Disease Score, generated as a weighted average of pathogenicity prediction scores for non-synonymous variants. For details, see the related publication (PMID: 26621530);
    17. RNA predictions = score added for 49 variants in rRNA genes (PMID: 24092330) and 207 variants in tRNA genes (PMID: 21882289; PMID:23696415). Scores were correlated on a scale from 0 to 1. Threshold for rRNAs=0.51. Threshold for tRNAs= 0.31. Low pathogenicity under the fixed thresholds;
    18. MutPred pred = MutPred predictions (High pathogenicity, Low pathogenicity);
    19. MutPred Score = MutPred Pathogenicity Score (0.000-1.000);
    20. PolyPhen-2 HumDiv Pred = Polyphen-2 HumDiv predictions (Benign, Possibly damaging, Probably damaging, Unknown);
    21. PolyPhen-2 HumDiv Prob = Polyphen-2 HumDiv probabilities (0.000-1.000);
    22. PolyPhen-2 HumVar Pred = Polyphen-2 HumVar predictions (Benign, Possibly damaging, Probably damaging, Unknown);
    23. PolyPhen-2 HumVar Prob = Polyphen-2 HumVar probabilities (0.000-1.000);
    24. PANTHER Pred = PANTHER predictions (Neutral, Disease, Unclassified) by SNPs&GO software;
    25. PANTHER Prob = PANTHER probabilities (0.000-1.000) by SNPs&GO software;
    26. PhD-SNP Pred = PhD-SNP predictions (Neutral, Disease, Unclassified) by SNPs&GO software;
    27. PhD-SNP Prob = PhD-SNP probabilities (0.000-1.000) by SNPs&GO software;
    28. SNPs&GO Pred = SNPs&GO predictions (Neutral, Disease, Unclassified) by SNPs&GO software;
    29. SNPs&GO Prob = SNPs&GO probabilities (0.000-1.000) by SNPs&GO software;
    30. Mitomap Associated Disease(s) = MITOMAP annotation of disease-associated mutations;
    31. Mitomap Homoplasmy = MITOMAP annotation of homoplasmy condition;
    32. Mitomap Heteroplasmy = MITOMAP annotation of heteroplasmy condition;
    33. Somatic Mutations = MITOMAP annotation of cell or tissue type for somatic mutations;
    34. SM Homoplasmy = MITOMAP annotation of homoplasmy condition in somatic mutations;
    35. SM Heteroplasmy = MITOMAP annotation of heteroplasmy condition in somatic mutations;
    36. ClinVar = ClinVar annotation of associated disease(s);
    37. OMIM Link = link to OMIM entry;
    38. dbSNP ID = rs ID reported in dbSNP database;
    39. Mamit-tRNA link = link to Mamit-tRNA site annotation;
    40. PhastCons20Way = PhastCons conservation score calculated on 20 vertebrates using hg38+rCRS as reference sequence;
    41. PhyloP20Way = PhyloP conservation score calculated on 20 vertebrates using hg38+rCRS as reference sequence;
    42. AC/AN 1000 Genomes = Ratio between allele count and allele number of possibly pathogenic variants found in 1000 Genomes using MToolBox;
    43. 1000 Genomes Homoplasmy = annotation of homoplasmy status in 1000 Genomes variants;
    44. 1000 Genomes Heteroplasmy = annotation of the heteroplasmy status in 1000 Genomes variants.

    WARNING! Please note that the heteroplasmy fractions and the related confidence interval will be reported only for variants found against the reference sequence chosen for read mapping.


The basename for output folder and files will be parsed from the input filename, for each sample.

BAM|SAM files: BAM or SAM files MUST be renamed as <sample_name>.ext, eg:

mv HG00096.chrom20.ILLUMINA.bwa.GBR.low_coverage.20101123.bam HG00096.bam

and "HG00096" will be the output basename.

FASTQ files: FASTQ files MUST be renamed as <sample_name>.R1.fastq, <sample_name>.R2.fastq for PAIRED-END data and <sample_name>.fastq for SINGLE END data. FASTQ compressed input files could be accepted with *.fastq.gz extension.

IMPORTANT: Please note that MToolBox cannot recognize more than one PAIRED-END couple of fastq files (R1+R2) and one SINGLE-END fastq file per sample.


For small datasets, you could use MToolBox at MSeqDR website (PMID: 25542617).


Contacts: dome.simone [at] ; claudia.calabrese23 [at]

##If you use MToolBox, please cite: Calabrese C, Simone D, Diroma MA, Santorsola M, Guttà C, Gasparre G, Picardi E, Pesole G, Attimonelli M. MToolBox: a highly automated pipeline for heteroplasmy annotation and prioritization analysis of human mitochondrial variants in high-throughput sequencing. Bioinformatics. 2014 Nov 1;30(21):3115-7. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu483. Epub 2014 Jul 14. PubMed PMID: 25028726; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4201154.

If you would like to use also MToolBox GUI, please visit:

and refer to:

Falk MJ, Shen L, Gonzalez M, Leipzig J, Lott MT, Stassen AP, Diroma MA, Navarro-Gomez D, Yeske P, Bai R, Boles RG, Brilhante V, Ralph D, DaRe JT, Shelton R, Terry SF, Zhang Z, Copeland WC, van Oven M, Prokisch H, Wallace DC, Attimonelli M, Krotoski D, Zuchner S, Gai X; MSeqDR Consortium Participants; MSeqDR Consortium participants. Mitochondrial Disease Sequence Data Resource (MSeqDR): a global grass-roots consortium to facilitate deposition, curation, annotation, and integrated analysis of genomic data for the mitochondrial disease clinical and research communities. Mol Genet Metab. 2015 Mar;114(3):388-96. doi: 10.1016/j.ymgme.2014.11.016. Epub 2014 Dec 4. Review. PubMed PMID: 25542617; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4512182.

If you would like to have more details about the variants prioritization method implemented in MToolBox, please refer to:

Santorsola M, Calabrese C, Girolimetti G, Diroma MA, Gasparre G, Attimonelli M. A multi-parametric workflow for the prioritization of mitochondrial DNA variants of clinical interest. Hum Genet. 2016 Jan;135(1):121-36. doi:10.1007/s00439-015-1615-9. Epub 2015 Nov 30. PubMed PMID: 26621530; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4698288.

##Get support for MToolBox (command-line version) Please join the MToolBox google group:!forum/mtoolbox-users


A bioinformatics pipeline to analyze mtDNA from NGS data







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