Creates localised string resources for iOS and Android from excel spreadsheets
This is just a simple executable jar with some parameters you need to specify
-d | Enable debugging |
-output | Output location where the generated files will be created |
-input | Input .xlsx file to read strings data from |
-os | Specifiy which os's to build, currently only "android" and "ios" are present. |
-all | Create resources for all os's. |
-input | Input .xlsx file to read strings data from |
-keyColumnName | Name of the column in th spreadsheet that acts as the string resource key |
-descriptionColumnName | Name of the column in th spreadsheet that acts as the string resource description/comment |
-ignoreColumns | Columns in the table to ignore. Multiple columns are comma separated such as "Ignore One,Ignore Two,Ignore Three" |
-replacePattern | A regex pattern used to replace strings that need specific text to be inserted into, such as "Hello my name is {0}". |