iOS App for face tracking and replacing face in camera/movie.
OpenFrameworks(, OpenCV, FaceTracker.
Please download of_v0.9.8_ios_release and unzip.
And download the source(ofxCv v0.9.8) from GitHub here, unzip the folder, rename it from ofxCv-stable to ofxCv and place it in your "v0.9.8_ios_release/addons" folder.
And download the source(ofxFaceTracker-iOS) from here, unzip the folder, rename it from ofxFaceTracker-1.1 to ofxFaceTracker and put it in your "v0.9.8_ios_release/addons" folder.
And put this project under "v0.9.8_ios_release/apps/myApps/" and build/run(with iPhone device, not iPhone Simulator).