for HipChat API v2
Manage Jenkins -> System Settings -> Hip Chat Notifier (section)
- API Token
- your api token
- see) https://{xxxx}
Job Page -> Configure -> Post-build Action (section) -> Add post-build action
- RoomName or RoomID
- The name or id of the room which to notify
- Take a look at the Room's web page If you want to use the room id
- Message Format (SUCCESS)
- Message Format (FAILED)
- Massage from file
- Load notify message from file
- ignore message format setting
- post success notification
- To set whether to notify if the build is successful
- success notification to notify:true
- To set whether to notify parameter of success notification to true
- post failed notification
- To set whether to notify if the build is failed
- failed notification to notify:true
- To set whether to notify parameter of failed notification to true