Prod release pull master npm run prod go build systemctl restart goresume
commands npm run dev concurrently "air" "npx tailwindcss -i ./static/css/styles.css -o ./static/css/output.css --minify --watch --no-cache" "npx webpack --mode development --watch --no-cache"
npm run prod npx webpack --mode production --no-cache && npx tailwindcss -i ./static/css/styles.css -o ./static/css/output.css --minify
go run sync_base_data sync warcraftlogs data tree
smol todos Dark/Light mode? Get all raid images. Write a scrapper? I don't know how I would do that because the images I've gotten so far have come from official blizzard press release material and it's consistent. Maybe get images from wowhead, which could be more orderly
Login and account system
logging/error logging Something to compile errors and logs into somewhere searchable. Prometheus+Grafana?
CI/CD Release System Simple and just have releases set up on github? Go full, have release commands synced with github actions? Migrations system? Just hard coded for documentation the migrations in /migrations for now. Docker required to go full release hooked up with github actions, with migrations and all?
Automated Unit Tests
Dockerize go app mysql redis
Backup system
Maintanence Mode System for putting the site in maintanence mode. Probably never needed, maybe cool to make.
Admin Backend Area admin area with database tool? can be behind cloudflare auth etc
Compartmentalize Create a new repo that takes this web framework where a user can get it and start working on a website right away.