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GENOMICON-Seq is a simulation platform designed for genetic variation exploration through amplicon sequencing and whole exome sequencing (WES). This tool enables users to create virtual DNA samples with adjustable mutation frequencies, helping to understand the effects of simulated library prep biases and errors on mutation detection.


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GENOMICON-Seq: GENOmics Modeling, In-silico CONstruction and Sequencing

Table of content

  1. Introduction
  2. Quick set-up
  3. Quick start
  4. Computational power and processing time
  5. Simulation parameters
  6. Amplicon sequencing simulation parameters
  7. WES sequencing simulation parameters
  8. Main inputs
  9. Main outputs
  10. Amplicon sequencing main outputs
  11. WES sequencing main outputs


Welcome to GENOMICON-Seq, a tool for genetic exploration through simulation. GENOMICON-Seq is designed to simulate both amplicon sequencing and whole exome sequencing (WES), providing a robust platform for users to experiment with virtual genetic samples.

At the core of GENOMICON-Seq is the ability to generate samples with varying mutation frequencies, which are then subjected to a simulated library preparation process. This unique feature allows users to introduce and adjust the level of noise within each simulation, effectively masking the detection of real mutations to various extents. Such simulations are critical in demonstrating how different noise levels can obscure mutation detection, offering valuable insights for refining laboratory techniques and enhancing mutation analysis.

Users can explore a range of different scenarios facilitating a deeper understanding of the dynamic interplay between genetic variations and the technical limitations of sequencing technologies.

Dive into GENOMICON-Seq and harness the power of simulation to advance your mutation detection strategies and guide improvements in laboratory practices.

The GENOMICON-Seq allows users to: A. control the generation of the initial sample with specified fasta sequences, their copy numbers, and mutation insertions. Users can define the mutation mode, mutation targets, and substitution types thereby fully controlling the mutational process; B. control the fraction of the initial sample that will be fragmented and the length of the produced fragments. As each fragmentation is a unique random process, users can specify the number of fragmentation replicates generated for each sample. C. chose between amplicon or whole exome sequencing.

  • In amplicon sequencing users control the number of simulated PCR reactions for each fragmented replicate, the polymerase error rate in the PCR reactions, the number of cycles and the amplification efficiency.
  • In WES users control the matching length between the probe and simulated fragments that influences the selection of fragments for sequencing. In addition, a simplified PCR mimics the short indexing PCR excluding the polymerase error rate.
    D. control the sequencing process, by specifying the number of reads that will be produced, and whether the fragment length will impact their probability of being sequenced (shorter fragment - higher probability of being sequenced). We modified the InSilicoSeq (1.6.0) tool enabling it to produce the reads from generated fragments but preserving its ability to simulate the sequencing error of different Illumina instruments.

The main outputs from each simulation are the generated FASTQ.GZ files, and overview of the mutations and their frequencies after the sample generation and after the simulated library preparation processes.

Here we will show how to set up and run the simulations, briefly introduce the parameters, main inputs and main outputs. However, for a more detailed explanation about the design and theoretical background please see the full GENOMICON-Seq manual.

Quick set-up

The GENOMICON-Seq represents a collection of scripts written in R, C++, PowerShell Python, and well-known bioinformatic tools, while the whole process is orchestrated by Snakemake. Currently, it is only available as a Docker container.


  • Ensure that Docker is installed on your system before proceeding with the installation.
  • Approximately 12 GB of free space (for testing purposes)
  • A multi-core newer generation processor (at least 6 cores)
  • At least 16GB RAM

To quickly set up GENOMICON-Seq, execute the following commands in your terminal. This will download and run the script that sets up the Docker container, play dataset, Snakefiles, and their corresponding configuration files:

curl -L -o
chmod +x

Use arguments --ampliseq or --wes when running the to download files/scripts necessary for either amplicon sequencing or WES simulation. Without the arguments, the script will download files/scripts for both simulations.

A directory structure would look like this after running the

├── config_ampliseq.yml
├── config_wes.yml
├── input_data_ampliseq
│   ├── all_primers.csv
│   ├── HPV16.fa
│   ├── HPV16.fa.fai
│   ├── multifasta_copy_number.csv
│   ├── primer_set_1.csv
│   ├── primer_set_2.csv
│   └── probability_variant_table.csv
├── input_data_wes
│   ├── chr1.fasta.gz
│   ├── dummy_probes.fasta
│   ├── fasta_lengths.csv
│   ├── multifasta_copy_number.csv
│   ├── probability_variant_table.csv
│   ├── SBS2_profile_short.csv
│   ├── xgen-exome-research-panel-v2-probes-hg38_filtered_chr1.bed
│   ├── xgen-exome-research-panel-v2-probes-hg38_short_all.bed
│   ├── xgen-exome-research-panel-v2-targets-hg38_filtered_chr1.bed
│   └── xgen-exome-research-panel-v2-targets-hg38_short_all.bed
├── Snakefile_ampliseq
├── Snakefile_wes
└── SQL_database
    ├── chr1.sqlite
    └── HPV16REF.sqlite

Play dataset is meant for testing. For amplicon sequencing simulation, human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 will be used as an example. The necessary files will be in the input_data_ampliseq. The downloaded config_ampliseq.yml is set up for a test run. Check the chapter Main inputs for more information about each input file, and chapter Amplicon sequencing simulation parameters for detailed overview of the parameters and their usage.

For WES simulation, chromosome 1 sequence will be used as an example. The necessary files will be in the input_data_wes. The downloaded config_wes.yml is set up for a test run. Check the chapter Main inputs for more information about each input file, and WES sequencing simulation parameters for detailed overview of the parameters and their usage.

The scripts necessary for running the simulations are integrated into the container, but can be accessed here: (scripts)[scripts/]. Read generation is governed by modified InSilicoSeq (v1.6.0), modified InSilicoSeq scripts can be found here: modified_iss_scripts.

In addition, during the simulation run, SQL-databases for each sequence in a fasta file will be generated. While for small genomes (several Mb) the generation time will not be long, for WES simulation on a whole human genome, generation time might take several hours. The premade SQL-database for each hg38 chromosome is available for downloading here SQL_database_whole_human_genome. The packed database size is 21.8 GB, when unpacked its size is 99.8 GB. Once made (or downloaded), the generation step of the SQL_database will be omitted as long as the headers of of the fasta sequences correspond to the names of the SQL-database.

We also recommend downloading the human genome (hg38) fasta file where chromosome headers correspond to the SQL-database names here: human_genome_hg38

Quick start

As the simulation would require some substantial computational power (we will cover that in the next chapter Computational power and processing time), a play dataset will be used for a test run. The genome for amplicon sequencing simulation is the double-stranded DNA, HPV16 genome, 7906bp. The parameters in the confing_ampliseq.yml are specified for testing purposes, each parameter will be explained in the next chapter. To run the simulation, run the following command from the main folder where the Snakemake_ampliseq and config_ampliseq.yml are:

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app/pipeline -w /usr/src/app/pipeline mimsto86/genomicon-seq:v1.0 snakemake -j 1 -p -s ./Snakefile_ampliseq --configfile ./config_ampliseq.yml

For simplicity and testing purposes, only human chromosome 1 will be used in the WES simulation. For the whole human genome, greater computational power will be needed. The command for the test run is similar to the amplicon sequencing simulation.

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app/pipeline -w /usr/src/app/pipeline mimsto86/genomicon-seq:v1.0 snakemake -j 1 -p -s ./Snakefile_wes --configfile ./config_wes.yml

A new folder Output_data_ampliseq or Output_data_wes will be created, depending on the chosen simulation. Main outputs for both simulations will be covered in the Main outputs.

Computational power and processing time

GENOMICON-Seq is designed to run in High Performance Computing (HPC) environments due to its computational demands. For testing and lighter tasks, it can be also run on personal computers. Here are the details of the systems we have used for testing and development:

MacOS Sonoma 14.5

Processor: 2.6 GHz Six-core Intel Core i7 (12 logical cores) RAM: 16 GB DDR4

Ubuntu 22.04.3 (jammy)

Processor: 2.6 GHz Six-core Intel Core i7 (12 logical cores) RAM: 16 GB DDR4

0n a HPC (we used Educloud), for larger number of genome copies in amplicon sequencing simulation (we used 200 000 genome copies of HPV16) we used 60 CPUs and 4GB per CPU in our runs. In WES runs we used 60 CPUs and 8GB per run (when the copy number of complete human genome hg38 or only chromosome 1 was 2500). Depending on whether the complete genome was run or only chromosome 1, and the parameter values the simulation time was approximately 18-25h for the complete human genome, and approximately 1h for chromosome 1.

GENOMICON-Seq includes a wide range of adjustable parameters that can significantly affect the tool's performance and resource demands. Due to this variability, it is challenging to predict the exact memory requirements, optimal number of processor cores, or the time needed to complete the processes. We recommend conducting initial tests for each new scenario to determine the appropriate configurations that best meet your computational and analysis needs.

Simulation parameters

Most of the parameters are identical between simulations, however due to the nature of the simulated processes, some parameters are specific for amplicon sequencing simulation, while others can be found only in the WES simulation.

Amplicon sequencing simulation parameters

For more details about parameters, see the user manual. Parameters can be OPTIONAL, MANDATORY, MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE, or ADVANCED If parameter requires the double quotation mark enclosure, it will be noted. When the parameter should be omitted, set it up as as en empty string "". The values in the parameters presented here are only examples. Pre-configured config_ampliseq.yml can be used for testing purposes.

I. General parameters


Specify the number the samples to be generated (integer ,do not enclose the value with double quotation marks) - MANDATORY parameter


Specify the number of fragmentation technical replicates to be generated from each sample (integer, do not enclose the value with double quotation marks) -MANDATORY


Specify the number of CPUs that the simulation will use (integer, do not enclose the value with double quotation marks) - MANDATORY

SEED: "23"

Specify the seed for reproducibility of the simulation - OPTIONAL If not specified, random seed will be assigned and recorded (integer, enclose the value with quotation marks)

OUTPUT_DIRECTORY: "/usr/src/app/pipeline/Output_data_ampliseq"

Specify the output directory - requires absolute path, edit only the name of the directory not the path /usr/src/app/pipeline/ as it points the absolute path in the container. The parameter is MANDATORY (enclose the path with double quotation marks). Change the name of the output for each new run! Or remove the previously generated directory before the new run to avoid rewriting, and possible mix-up of the outputs!

INPUT_DIRECTORY: "input_data_ampliseq"

Specify the input directory - requires only the name of the directory When using the, the directory name by default is input_data_ampliseq The parameter is MANDATORY (enclose the name with double quotation marks).


Specify the name of the fasta file - file needs to be placed in the input directory The parameter is MANDATORY (enclose the name with double quotation marks). Multifasta files are allowed.

II. Sample parameters

1. Genome topology


Specify the topology of the given genome ("Y" or "N") - OPTIONAL (enclose the option with double quotation marks) If not specified, the genome is considered to be circular ("Y")

2. Genome copies in the sample


Specify the copy number of genomes to be generated - OPTIONAL - default is 1000 (integer, enclose the value with double quotation marks). Specified number of copies applies on all sequences in the fasta file.

MULTIFASTA_COPIES_TABLE: "multifasta_copy_numbers.csv"

Specify the csv table containing the copy number of each sequence in the fasta file - OPTIONAL (enclose the table name with double quotation marks) NR_COPIES and MULTIFASTA_COPIES_TABLE are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE Read the full manual for detailed description of the table format.

3. Mutation targets


Specify mutational targets as nucleotide contexts (single nucleotide, tri or pentanucleotide context) - OPTIONAL If not specified, any nucleotide in the sequence can mutate with the equal probability. Accepted format: multiple context can be specified as a comma-separated string - All specified contexts must be of the same type (single, tri or penta)

4. Substitution type

TS_TV_RATIO: "3:1"

Specify the transition vs transversion ratio (colon-separated integers, enclosed with double double quotation marks) - OPTIONAL If none are specified (empty string ""), every nucleotide can be replaced with another with equal probability.

SUBSTITUTION_PROBABILITY_TABLE: "probability_variant_table.csv"

Specify the name of the table with pre-determined substitution probabilities - OPTIONAL (enclose the table name with double quotation marks) Example of the table can be found in the folder input_data_ampliseq - probability_variant_table.csv TS_TV_RATIO and SUBSTITUTION_PROBABILITY_TABLE parameters are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE If none are specified (empty string ""), every nucleotide can be replaced with another with equal probability.

5. Mutation mode

Two available mutation modes: Deterministic & Specific mutation rate. Modes are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE - leave the empty strings ("") for the unused mode's parameters. When no mutations should be inserted - leave the deterministic mode's parameters empty, and set MUTATION_RATE parameter to "0" For detailed description on how these modes operates, see the full manual.

5.a Deterministic Mode


Specify the fraction of all genome copies that will be mutated (0 <= float <= 1, enclose the value with double quotation marks)


Specify the fraction of all targeted positions that will mutate (0 <= float <= 1, enclose the value with quotation marks). If MUT_CONTEXT is specified, only the targeted contexts will be taken into account.

5.b Specific mutation rate mode


Specify the mutation rate (scientific number, e.g "1e-6", enclose the value with double quotation marks).

III. Fragmentation parameters


Specify the fraction of all genome copies in a sample that will be fragmented (0 <= float <= 1, enclose the value with double quotation marks) - OPTIONAL If not specified, the default is 1.

FRAGMENT_LENGTH: "250:550" or 350

Specify the length of the fragments to be produced - OPTIONAL (enclose the value with double quotation marks). It can be a single non-negative integer value where all produced fragments will have the same length, e.g. "450". Or it can be the range of values written as a colon-separated integers values (e.g "250:1000") If not specified (empty string "") - by default range of fragment length is "250:450".

IV. PCR parameters

PRIMERS: "all_primers.csv"

Specify the csv table containing the primer information - MANDATORY (enclose the table name with double quotation marks). See the full manual for the detailed description of the file, chapter Input files. Or check the all_primers.csv file in the input directory that contains the HPV16-primers that can be used in test runs. NOTE: In addition to this file PCR requires additional csv files not specified in parameters, one for each specified PCR reaction (see the Main inputs or full manual chapter Input files).


Specify the number of PCR reactions to be produced (integer, do not enclose the value with double quotation marks) - OPTIONAL By default the number of PCR reactions is 2


Specify the minimum amplicon length to be produced - MANDATORY (integer, do not enclose the value with double quotation marks)


Specify the number of PCR cycles to be performed - OPTIONAL (integer, enclose the value with double quotation marks). The default is 25.


Specify the polymerase error rate - OPTIONAL (scientific number, e.g. "1e-5", enclose the value with double quotation marks). If not specified, the default is 1e-6


Specify the fraction of PCR reaction that will be sequenced - MANDATORY (0 <= float <= 1, enclose the value with double quotation marks).

Advanced PCR parameters

See to manual for detailed description of these parameters!

K_PARAMETER_pcr: "1"

The k-parameter shapes the steepness of the simulated PCR efficiency drop. 0 < float, enclose the value with the double quotation marks. K_PARAMETER and MIDPOINT_CYCLE (next parameter) are responsible for the amplification efficiency drop during the PCR cycling - OPTIONAL. The default is 1.


Specify the PCR cycle at which the amplification efficiency is 50% - OPTIONAL The default is a cycle corresponding to the 60% of all specified cycles.

V. Sequencing parameters

NUM_READS: "100000"

Specify the number of reads to be produced (integer, enclose the value with double quotation marks) - MANDATORY

MODE: "kde"

Specify the sequencing mode - OPTIONAL InSilicoSeq (v1.6.0) supports 2 modes, "basic" / "perfect" or "kde" (enclose the given option with double quotation marks). basic/perfect mode initiate the production of error-free reeds. kde is the default option, requires the specification of the ERROR_MODEL.

ERROR_MODEL: "novaseq"

Specify the sequencing error model - OPTIONAL InSilicoSeq (v1.6.0) supports 4 build-in error models HiSeq, NextSeq, NovaSeq, and MiSeq (enclose the given option with quotation marks) The default in None.

FASTA_GZ_OUTPUT: "--compress"

Specify whether the produced fastq files should be gz-compressed - OPTIONAL Leave the empty string (such as "") to omit the compression

GC_BIAS: "--gc_bias"

Specify whether the GC-bias should be applied If applied, reads with abnormal GC-counts might not be produced and the number of generated reads might be lower than specified. The parameter is OPTIONAL, leave the empty string "" to omit the bias.

For more details about MODE, ERROR_MODEL, FASTA_GZ_OUTPUT, and GC_BIAS parameters please refer to the InSilicoSeq documentation.


Specify the optimal fragment length mode - MANDATORY OPT_FRAG_LENGTH alters the probability of a fragment to be sequenced based on its length For each specified mode, value represents the length at which fragment has 50% probability to be sequenced. Fragments with greater length than the one specified will have less chance for sequencing and vice versa. Each chosen mode must be enclosed by double quotation marks 5 available modes:

  1. "NO" - mode will not be applied
  2. "fixed {integer}" (e.g. "fixed 450") - sets the length to 450 bp, fragments with this length will have 50% to be sequenced
  3. "default" - the length of 350 bp will have 50% chance to sequenced
  4. "medain" - median length based on the length of all fragments selected to be sequenced is determined. Fragments with this length will have 50% chance to be sequenced.
  5. "quartil {1|2|3|4}" (e.g. "quartil 3") - value of the selected quartile will be determined based on the length of all fragments. Fragments with this length will have 50% chance to be sequenced.

Advanced Sequencing parameter

See to manual for detailed description of the parameter.

K_PARAMETER_seq: "0.005"

The parameter is MANDATORY only when OPT_FRAG_LENGTH is other than “NO”. We recommend the value 0.005 0 < float, enclose the value with the double quotation marks.

WES sequencing simulation parameters

For more details about parameters, see the user manual. Parameters can be OPTIONAL, MANDATORY, MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE, or ADVANCED If parameter requires the double quotation mark enclosure, it will be noted. When the parameter should be omitted, set it up as as en empty string "". The values in the parameters presented here are only examples. Pre-configured config_wes.yml can be used for testing purposes.

I. General parameters


Specify the number the samples to be generated (integer ,do not enclose the value with double quotation marks) - MANDATORY


Specify the number of fragmentation technical replicates to be generated from each sample (integer, do not enclose the value with double quotation marks) -MANDATORY


Specify the number of CPUs that the simulation will use (integer, do not enclose the value with double quotation marks) - MANDATORY

SEED: "23"

Specify the seed for reproducibility of the simulation - OPTIONAL If not specified random seed will be assigned and recorded (integer, enclose the value with quotation marks)

OUTPUT_DIRECTORY: "/usr/src/app/pipeline/Output_data_ampliseq"

Specify the output directory - requires absolute path, edit only the name of the directory not the path /usr/src/app/pipeline/ The parameter is MANDATORY (enclose the path with double quotation marks). Change the name of the output for each new run! Or remove the previously generated directory before the new run to avoid rewriting, and possible mix-up of the outputs!

INPUT_DIRECTORY: "input_data_ampliseq"

Specify the input directory - requires only the name of the directory When using the, the directory name by default is input_data_ampliseq The parameter is MANDATORY (enclose the name with double quotation marks).


Specify the name of the fasta file - file needs to be placed in the input directory The parameter is MANDATORY (enclose the name with double quotation marks). Multifasta files are allowed.

II. Sample parameters

1. Genome copies in the sample


Specify the copy number of genomes to be generated - OPTIONAL - default is 100 (integer, enclose the value with double quotation marks). Specified number of copies applies on all sequences in the fasta file.

MULTIFASTA_COPIES_TABLE: "multifasta_copy_numbers.csv"

Specify the csv table containing the copy number of each sequence in the fasta file - OPTIONAL (enclose the table name with double quotation marks) NR_COPIES and MULTIFASTA_COPIES_TABLE are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE Read the full manual for detailed description of the table format.

2. Mutation targets


Specify mutational targets as nucleotide contexts (single, tri or pentanucleotide context) - OPTIONAL If not specified, any nucleotide in the sequence can mutate with the equal probability. Accepted format: multiple context can be specified as a comma-separated string - All specified contexts must be of the same type (single, tri or penta)

3. Substitution type

TS_TV_RATIO: "3:1"

Specify the transition vs transversion ratio (colon-separated integers, enclosed with double double quotation marks) - OPTIONAL If none are specified (empty string ""), every nucleotide can be replaced with another with equal probability.

SUBSTITUTION_PROBABILITY_TABLE: "probability_variant_table.csv"

Specify the name of the table with pre-determined substitution probabilities - OPTIONAL (enclose the table name with double quotation marks) Example of the table can be found in the folder input_data_ampliseq - probability_variant_table.csv TS_TV_RATIO and SUBSTITUTION_PROBABILITY_TABLE parameters are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE If none are specified (empty string ""), every nucleotide can be replaced with another with equal probability.

4. Mutation mode

Three mutation modes are available: Deterministic, Specific mutation rate, and SBS-mimicry Deterministic and Specific mutation rate modes are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE - leave the empty strings ("") for unused mode's parameters. SBS-mimicry mode refers to Single Nucleotide Substitution, and is the extension of the Deterministic mode, in addition to specifying the SBS_TABLE, Deterministic mode's parameters needs to be specified! When SBS-mimicry mode is used, also set MUT_CONTEXT, TS_TV_RATIO, SUBSTITUTION_PROBABILITY_TABLE to empty strings "". When no mutations should be inserted - leave the Deterministic and SBS-mimicry mode parameters empty, and set MUTATION_RATE parameter to "0" For detailed description on how these modes operates, see the manual.

4.a Deterministic Mode


Specify the fraction of all genome copies that will be mutated (0 <= float <= 1, enclose the value with double quotation marks)

FRACTION_POSITION: "0.1" Specify the fraction of all targeted positions that will mutate (0 <= float <= 1, enclose the value with quotation marks). If MUT_CONTEXT is specifed, only the targeted contexts will be taken into account.

4.b Specific mutation rate mode


Specify the mutation rate (scientific number, e.g "1e-6", enclose the value with double quotation marks).

4.c SBS-mimicry

SBS_SIGNATURES: "sbs2_short.csv"

Specify the name of the SBS-signature table. See the user manual for the detailed description of the table format, and please use the that converts the original SBS-signature table to the simulation-required format.

Download the SBS-signature table from COSMIC, save it as a csv file, for example SBS2_table.csv. Each table has values for each 96 mutational contexts stored in 5 columns SBS2_GRCh37, SBS2_GRCh38, SBS2_mm9, SBS2_mm10, SBS2_rn6, pick the column name (for hg37 or hg38), we used SBS2_GRCh38, and run the script

python --input_sbs path/the/table/SBS2.csv --column_name SBS2_GRCh38 --output_sbs path/to/output/SBS2_selected.csv

Place the generated table into the input_data_wes directory and set up a table name in the config_wes.yml.

III. Fragmentation parameters


Specify the fraction of all genome copies in a sample that will be fragmented (0 <= float <= 1, enclose the value with double quotation marks) - OPTIONAL If not specified, the default is 1.


Specific the minimum fragment length - MANDATORY


Specific the maximum fragment length - MANDATORY

IV. Probe capture enrichment parameters


Specify the fasta file containing probe sequences. The file must be placed in the specified input folder (input_data_wes). The input folder does contain the dummy-probe sequences for testing purposes, that binds only to chromosome 1.

PROBES_BED: "xgen-exome-research-panel-v2-probes-hg38_short_all.bed"

Specify the BED file containing the binding coordinates of probes to the selected chromosomes. PROBES_FASTA and PROBES_BED are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE, one or the other has to be specified. For testing purposes we are using the probe BED file from xGen Exome Research Panel v2 hg38 placed in the input_data_wes folder when the is run.

PROBES_TARGES: "xgen-exome-research-panel-v2-targets-hg38_short_all.bed" Specify BED file containing coordinates of either probe targeted exons or all exons. For testing purposes we are using BED file of xGen Exome Research Panel v2 probe-targeting exons. BED file is placed in the input_data_wes folder when the is run


Specify the minimum matching length between the probe and the fragment - MANDATORY Matching length selects the fragments for sequencing.

V. PCR Parameters


Specify the number of PCR cycles to be performed - OPTIONAL (integer, enclose the value with double quotation marks). The default is 25.

Advanced PCR parameters

See to manual for detailed description of these parameters!

K_PARAMETER_pcr: "1"

The k-parameter shapes the steepness of the simulated PCR efficiency drop. 0 < float, enclose the value with the double quotation marks. K_PARAMETER and MIDPOINT_CYCLE (next parameter) are responsible for the amplification efficiency drop during the PCR cycling - OPTIONAL. The default is 1.


Specify the PCR cycle at which the amplification efficiency is 50% - OPTIONAL The default is a cycle corresponding to the 60% of all specified cycles.

V. Sequencing parameters

NUM_READS: "100000"

Specify the number of reads to be produced (integer, enclose the value with double quotation marks) - MANDATORY

MODE: "kde"

Specify the sequencing mode - OPTIONAL InSilicoSeq (v1.6.0) supports 2 modes, "basic" / "perfect" or "kde" (enclose the given option with double quotation marks). basic/perfect mode initiate the production of error-free reeds. kde is the default option, requires the specification of the ERROR_MODEL.

ERROR_MODEL: "novaseq"

Specify the sequencing error model - OPTIONAL InSilicoSeq (v1.6.0) supports 4 build-in error models HiSeq, NextSeq, NovaSeq, and MiSeq (enclose the given option with quotation marks) The default in None.

FASTA_GZ_OUTPUT: "--compress"

Specify whether the produced fastq files should be gz-compressed - OPTIONAL Leave the empty string (such as "") to omit the compression

GC_BIAS: "--gc_bias"

Specify whether the GC-bias should be applied If applied, reads with abnormal GC-counts might not be produced and the number of generated reads might be lower than specified. The parameter is OPTIONAL, leave the empty string "" to omit the bias.

For more details about MODE, ERROR_MODEL, FASTA_GZ_OUTPUT, and GC_BIAS parameters please refer to the InSilicoSeq documentation.


Specify the optimal fragment length mode - MANDATORY OPT_FRAG_LENGTH alters the probability of a fragment to be sequenced based on its length For each specified mode, value represents the length at which fragment has 50% probability to be sequenced. Fragments with greater length than the one specified will have less chance for sequencing and vice versa. Each chosen mode must be enclosed by double quotation marks 5 available modes:

  1. "NO" - mode will not be applied
  2. "fixed {integer}" (e.g. "fixed 450") - sets the length to 450, fragments with this length will have 50% to be sequenced
  3. "default" - the length of 350 will have 50% chance to sequenced
  4. "medain" - median length based on the length of all fragments selected to be sequenced is determined. Fragments with this length will have 50% chance to be sequenced.
  5. "quartil {1|2|3|4}" (e.g. "quartil 3") - value of the selected quartile will be determined based on the length of all fragments. Fragments with this length will have 50% chance to be sequenced.

Advanced Sequencing parameter

See to manual for detailed description of the parameter.

K_PARAMETER_seq: "0.005"

The parameter is MANDATORY only when OPT_FRAG_LENGTH is other than “NO”. We recommend the value 0.005 0 < float, enclose the value with the double quotation marks.

Main inputs

For the more detailed info about each put file and their formats please see the user manual.

a. Necessary input

FASTA or FASTA.gz file with the genome sequence(s) - multiple genomes/chromosomes can be stored in one FASTA file. use as few as possible characters for the genome name in the header of the FASAT file.

CSV file with primer names and their sequences required for amplicon sequencing, play dataset uses all_primers.csv file. This is the whole set of primers used for the whole genome sequencing of HPV16 in the TaME-Seq method. The format of the table must be the same. The “name” column contains primer names, the “F_R” column contains information about the primer orientation, and “seq” is the primer sequence.

CSV file with primer names, one file per PCR reaction required for amplicon sequencing - Depending on the specified number of PCR reactions, for each reaction, a separate primer set has to be pre-made, and placed in input_data_ampliseq. In our input_data_ampliseq from the play dataset, we have 2 primer_set CSV files, primer_set_1.csv and primer_set_2.csv, the index number at the end specifies in which PCR reaction, primers should be used. This is a single-column table (column “name”) with ONLY primer names. In case of only one PCR reaction, all names stored in the all_primers.csv should also be in the primer_set_1.csv. The number of primer_set CSV tables must match the number of specified PCR reactions in NUM_PCR.

FASTA or BED probe file - required for WES - Either one of the files needs to be present in the input_data_wes. A BED file must have three columns, chromosome name, and start and end coordinates of the probe binding sites.

BED file with exon regions targeted by probes - required for WES - The file is required for mutation generation. Generated mutations will be found only in the regions specified by this file.

SQL database - Besides the input files in the main input directory both amplicon sequencing and WES, the simulation requires an SQL database. In the chapter Quick set-up, we specified the link from which the complete hg38 SQL_database can be downloaded, saving time time to generate it, as well as the h38 fasta file with all the chromosomes which names match the SQL database names.

SBS table containing the percentage of single base substitutions (SBS) required only in WES when the SBS-mimicry mutation mode is used - For each specific SBS signature, a table in numeric form can be downloaded from COSMIC and trimmed to contain only the required information. Non-trimmed tables contain the SBS percentage for hg37, hg38, mm9, mm10, and rn6. In chapter WES sequencing simulation parameters, we demonstrated how to convert the original table format to the format accepted by the simulation.

b. Optional input

CSV table with the copy number of different genomes (multifasta_copy_number.csv in the input_data folder) - In the case where FASTA file contains many different genomes/chromosomes, their individual copy numbers can be specified in this table- otherwise, parameter NR_COPIES is applied on all genomes/chromosomes in the FASTA file. The table has two columns, “fasta_name” containing headers of each fasta sequence in the FASTA file, and “copy_number” containing the number of copies for each of the sequences.

CSV table with the probability of each nucleotide being substituted with other nucleotides - this table replaces the parameter TS_TV_RATIO (transitions vs transversions ratio). It enables the specification of the mutation probability of each nucleotide to mutate to any other nucleotide but itself. The table has 3 columns, “Nucleotide”, “Variant” and “Probability”, where for each nucleotide the probability to be mutated to any of the three variants is specified.

Main outputs

The complete list of the output files made in both amplicon sequencing and WES are presented in the tool manual. Here we outline the most important ones that will enable the mutation tracking.

Amplicon sequencing main outputs

For amplicon sequencing, the output folder should look like this

├── cleanup_2_complete.txt
├── cleanup_3_complete.txt
├── cleanup_4_complete.txt
├── cleanup_5_complete.txt
├── sample_1
│   ├── HPV16REF_inserted_mutations_overview.csv
│   ├── HPV16REF_mutation_counts.csv
│   ├── cleanup_1_complete.txt
│   ├── fasta_lengths.csv
│   ├── generated_reads
│   │   ├── tech_replicate_1_PCR_1_R1.fastq.gz
│   │   ├── tech_replicate_1_PCR_1_R2.fastq.gz
│   │   ├── tech_replicate_1_PCR_2_R1.fastq.gz
│   │   └── tech_replicate_1_PCR_2_R2.fastq.gz
│   ├── log_folder
│   │   ├── Defining_seq_and_mut.log
│   │   └── Making_SQL_database.log
│   └── tech_replicate_1
│       ├── HPV16REF_fragments.bed.gz
│       ├── PCR
│       │   ├── HPV16REF_splitting_complete.log
│       │   ├── PCR_1
│       │   │   ├── HPV16REF_seq_mutations_overview.csv
│       │   │   ├── PCR_1-polymerase_error_mutations.csv
│       │   │   └── PCR_1_sequenced_frags.fasta.gz
│       │   ├── PCR_1.log
│       │   ├── PCR_2
│       │   │   ├── HPV16REF_seq_mutations_overview.csv
│       │   │   ├── PCR_2-polymerase_error_mutations.csv
│       │   │   └── PCR_2_sequenced_frags.fasta.gz
│       │   ├── PCR_2.log
│       │   ├── fragments_pcr1.bed.gz
│       │   ├── fragments_pcr2.bed.gz
│       │   └── merging_complete.log
│       └── log_folder
│           └── Fragmentation.log
└── seed_log.txt

Here, the amplicon sequencing simulation encompassed 2 PCR reactions to achieve the whole genome sequencing of the HPV16. For each generated sample (specified by NUM_SAMPLES), generated FASTQ.GZ (or none-compressed FASTQ) can be found in a folder generated_reads. For each sequence in FASTA_FILE a *_inserted_mutations_overview.csv will be generated in sample_* folder containing all mutations that were inserted during the sample generation. The file will include the info about position, nucleotide, complementary nucleotide, trinucleotide, reverse complementary trinucleotide, pentanucleotide, reverse complementary pentanucleotide contexts, and the frequency of each mutation (number of initial genomes the mutation has been introduced to). File will not be produced if no mutations were introduced during the sample generation process. In addition, again for each sequence in FASTA_FILE a *_mutation_counts.csv provides the information about how many genome copies have been mutated and how many mutations each mutated copy contained.

In PCR_* folder produced for each PCR reaction specified, *_seq_mutations_overview.csv will be generated for each sequence in the FASTA_FILE. The csv has the same format as the *_inserted_mutations_overview.csv file but the frequency of each mutation now represent the number of unique fragments that are sequenced. File enable the comparison of mutation frequencies before and after the simulated library preparation process and provides the insight into the mutations that can be expected to be sequenced. If no mutations were introduced during the sample generation process, or if all mutations has been lost during the library preparation process, only the simple log file will be produced.

If polymerase error rate has been specified (POL_ERROR_RATE), the information about the error mutations will be stored in PCR_*-polymerase_error_mutations.csv for each PCR reaction generated. The file holds the info about the mutation position, and to which nucleotide the current nucleotide at this position has been mutated to.

WES sequencing main outputs

For WES, the output folder should look like this

├── cleanup_1_complete.txt
├── cleanup_3_complete.txt
├── sample_1
│   ├── chr1_inserted_mutations_overview.csv
│   ├── chr1_mutation_counts.csv
│   ├── cleanup_2_complete.txt
│   ├── generated_reads
│   │   ├── tech_replicate_1_PCR_R1.fastq.gz
│   │   └── tech_replicate_1_PCR_R2.fastq.gz
│   ├── log_folder
│   │   ├── 0_Making_SQL_database.log
│   │   └── 1_Defining_seq_and_mut.log
│   └── tech_replicate_1
│       ├── PCR_filtered.bed.gz
│       ├── PCR_reaction
│       │   ├── chr1_seq_mutations_overview.csv
│       │   └── sequenced_frags.fasta.gz
│       └── log_folder
│           ├── 2_Fragmentation_prep.log
│           ├── PCR_reaction
│           │   └── PCR_reaction.log
│           ├── chr1_all_converted_to_csv.log
│           ├── chr1_all_filtered.log
│           ├── chr1_conversion_to_bedgz_complete.log
│           └── chr1_fragmentation_complete.log
└── seed_log.txt

Here, the WES simulation included chromosome 1. For each generated sample (specified by NUM_SAMPLES), generated FASTQ.GZ (or none-compressed FASTQ) can be found in a folder generated_reads. For each chromosome sequence in FASTA_FILE a *_inserted_mutations_overview.csv will be generated in sample_* folder, containing all mutations that were inserted during the sample generation. The file will include the info about position, nucleotide, complementary nucleotide, trinucleotide, reverse complementary trinucleotide, pentanucleotide, reverse complementary pentanucleotide contexts, and the frequency of each mutations (number of initial genomes the mutation has been introduced to). File will not be produced if no mutations were introduced during the sample generation process. In addition, again for each sequence in FASTA_FILE a *_mutation_counts.csv provides the information about how many genome copes has been mutated and how many mutations each mutated copy contained.

In PCR_reaction folder *_seq_mutations_overview.csv will be generated for each chromosome sequence in the FASTA_FILE. The csv has the same format as the *_inserted_mutations_overview.csv file but the frequency of each mutation now represent the number of unique fragments holding the mutation which were sequenced. File enable the comparison of mutation frequencies before and after the simulated library preparation process and provides the insight into the mutations that can be expected to be sequenced. If no mutations were introduced during the sample generation process, or if all mutations has been lost during the library preparation process, only the simple log file will be produced.


GENOMICON-Seq is a simulation platform designed for genetic variation exploration through amplicon sequencing and whole exome sequencing (WES). This tool enables users to create virtual DNA samples with adjustable mutation frequencies, helping to understand the effects of simulated library prep biases and errors on mutation detection.







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