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Mock mycobiome communities - metagenomic data generation and analysis

A collection of all scripts and resulting files related to "Challenges in capturing the mycobiome from shotgun metagenomic data: lack of software and databases".


Folder structure

  1. ./Mock_fungal/mock_conda:

    a) snakemake_conda.yaml: configuration file for conda environment with snakemake and all dependencies (ART/Kraken2/MetaPhlAn4) for mock data generation and Kraken2/MetaPhlAn4 taxonomy analysis

    b) eukdetect_equal_{reads/coverage}.yaml: configuration files used for taxonomy classification with EukDetect

  2. ./Mock_fungal/config: configuration file for the Snakemake

  3. ./Mock_fungal/mock_profiles:

    a) unicellular_classes.tsv: List of taxIDs for unicellular classes within Ascomycota and Basidiomycota that were initially searched for

    b) manually_added_taxa.csv: List of fungal species manually added to the list of taxIDs

    c) genomes_to_download.csv: List of species IDs that were searched through the NCBI RefSeq database - generated using ./Mock_fungal/scripts/data_analysis/

    d) final_genomes_summary.csv: List of NBCI RefSeq genomes that were used for the mock communities* - generated using ./Mock_fungal/scripts/data_analysis/

    e) metadata_ufcg.csv: Genome metadata file prepared for the UFCG phylogenetic tree generation

    f) /profiles: Equal reads mock community profiles - generated using ./Mock_fungal/scripts/data_analysis/

    g) /profiles_equal_cov: Equal coverage mock community profiles - generated using ./Mock_fungal/scripts/data_analysis/

  4. ./Mock_fungal/workflow: Scripts for mock communities sequencing data generation, taxonomy classification, and data analysis. Detailed info is provided in Data analysis.

  5. ./Mock_fungal/data: All figures and tables generated during the analysis of mock communities data

    a)/kraken - Kraken2 reports and their summary

    b)/metaphlan - MetaPhlAn4 reports and their summary

    c) /eukdetect - EukDetect reports and their summary

    d)/HMS - MycobiomeScan2.0 reports and their summary

    e)/funomic - FunOMIC reports and their summary

    f)/micop - MiCoP reports and their summary

    g)/all_methods_summary - Statistics, summary reports and figures

Data analysis

All python scripts were executed using Spyder IDE v5.5.4 (Python v3.12). Scripts are located in ./Mock_fungal/workflow/scripts and ./Mock_fungal/workflow/scripts/data_analysis.

  1. - Download species taxids based on class taxids; download existing NCBI RefSeq genomes; concatenate contigs in each fasta file; and create profiles for the mock communities. Note that the script is dependent on the ncbi-datasets conda environment

  2. Reads simulation by ART, mock community metagenome data generation and its classification by Kraken2 and MetaPhlAn4 are wrapped into the Snakemake v8, conda is provided in ./Mock_fungal/mock_conda/snakemake_conda.yaml. When all fastas, profiles and Kraken2/MetaPhlAn4 databases are available, provide paths to data in ./Mock_fungal/config/config.yaml and run

    cd ./Mock_fungal
  1. The EukDetect and the HumanMycobiomeScan (MycobiomeScan v2.0) classifications are performed independently using the original pipeline/commands. Configuration scripts for EukDetect are located in ./Mock_fungal/mock_conda/eukdetect_equal_{reads/coverage}.yaml

  2. {kraken/metaphlan/hms/eukdetect/funomic/micop} - Summarize taxonomy predictions on species/genus and family levels; find true and false positives. These summaries will be used further for all the analyses

  3. - Find which mock community species are deposited in the databases; make a summary of genomes characteristics (Figure 1)

  4. - Calculate relative abundance on different taxonomy levels; calculate RMSE; compare equal reads vs equal coverage predictions; generate boxplot (Figure 2b)

  5. - Calculate precision, recall and F1 score for all tools; compare equal reads vs equal coverage predictions; generate boxplot (Figure 2a); Calculate Pearson correlation to community richness (Figure 2c). Note that for this part, RMSE results from should be available

  6. - Generate files for visualization of phylogenetic tree with iTOL (used for Figure 3a)

  7. - Find which species/genera/families were differentially detected between equal reads and equal coverage mock communities by tested tools; which genera are not detected in case there are more than 1 species per genus (Figure 3b); presense of unidentified genera in the databases

  8.,, and are all scripts belonging to FunOMIC tool


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