Next Gen version of the RaceCapture App.
- Python 2.7.x
- Patched Kivy 1.9.x (
- Pyserial 2.6.x
- Pygame
- Included in package right now but ultimately shouldn't be:
- Graph (via kivy-garden via python-pip)
- NavigationDrawer (via kivy-garden)
- ModernMenu (via kivy-garden)
- asl_f4_loader (in dependencies folder)
- ihexpy (manual install from )
- download patched 1.9.0 kivy from
- Install from source
- install virtualenv
- create a virtual environment (perhaps in this directory):
virtualenv _ve
- activate the virtualenv:
. _ve/bin/activate
- install pip requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
(you may be required to upgrade your version of setuptools via the provided command) - install asl_f4_loader in dependencies folder: pip install asl_f4_loader-X.X.X.tar.gz
- install pygame ( - use correct package for your OSX+Python version)
- download patched 1.9.0 kivy from
- Install from source
make && sudo make install
- install Kivy into Applications and run symlink script
- install virtualenv
- re-enable setup tools for Kivy virtualenv:
sudo virtualenv /Applications/
- install pip requirements:
/Applications/ install -r requirements.txt
- run app:
- Add a .sentry file with the app's platform-specific DSN for Sentry
- Follow the platform-specific build instructions
- Make sure all dependencies are installed inside Kivy's venv
cd /Applications/
&&source activate
cd /path/to/RaceCapture_App
&&pip install -r requirements.txt
- If we're using a custom build of Kivy, we need to fix the paths for some libraries, run the install/osx/ script.
cd install/osx
The script will create the .App file and .dmg for distribution.
- Download Kivy (current is 1.9.0) - remember to get the py2.7 version
- Follow Kivy install instructions- install to c:\Kivy-1.9.0
- Rename kivy27 to kivy27_original (move it out of the way)
- Pull down patched 1.9.0 from
- Place in same installation directory (c:\Kivy-1.9.0)
- Rename to kivy27
- Build modified kivy
- Launch kivy-bash-2.7.bat
- In the MinGW console, enter kivy27 directory
- Build by issuing 'make'
- When complete, there should be a kivy27/build directory - this will be the patched version
(sets path variables for current shell)- Install [virtualenv]:
pip install virtualenv
- Create a virtual environment (perhaps in this directory):
virtualenv _ve
- Activate the virtualenv:
- Install pip requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
(if this crashes you installed the py3.3 version of Kivy, doughball)
Launch kivy environment by launching kivy-2.7.bat in installation folder
Navigate to the RaceCapture source directory
Note: If you get an error doing this ("cannot find text provider") then you might be like me and be unable to run RaceCapture inside a virtualenv for some reason. Try performing the above steps without the virtual env part.
- Do the "installation" instructions above
- Download [Eclipse] (
- Install [PyDev for Eclipse] ( and use auto-config
- In Window..Preferences..PyDev..Interpreter..Python Interpreter..Environment, add a variable "PATH" with value c:\kivy;c:\kivy\Python;c:\kivy\gstreamer\bin;c:\kivy\MinGW\bin;%PATH%
- In Window..Preferences..PyDev..Interpreter..Python Interpreter..Forced Builtins, add "kivy" to the list
- Make a new project in Eclipse, select "PyDev project" and specify the folder with Racecapture in it
- Right-click the project...Properties...pyDev-PYTHONPATH...External Libraries - Add source folder, add my_kivy_install_folder\kivy
- Run the project
(to get paths set up)- activate the virtualenv:
- Install [PYInstaller] (
pip install pyinstaller
- Install [PyWin32] (
pip install pywin
- Try
pyinstaller --version
- should return "2.1" or similar - Install [nullsoft scriptable install system] ( stable version (currently 2.46)
- Open (from your Kivy folder)
and add a line "from pygments.lexers.agile import PythonLexer" near the top. Yes, I know this is bad form. It's to fix an error ("AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'PythonLexer'") where PyInstaller failed to find an import and I couldn't work out how to force it. You would think that this could be forced by creating a file with hiddenimports = ['agile'] in it, but you'd be wrong as this file already exists in the default PyInstaller hooks and it doesn't fix this problem. -CLR 2014-05-29
- Go into RaceCapture_App folder
- Activate the virtualenv:
(to get paths set up)- cd install
- deletes old build folders, builds installer and tries to run the package (to run manually usedist\racecapture\racecapture
- Download patched source from
- Install from source. From the downloaded kivy source execute:
sudo python install
- install [virtualenv]:
sudo pip install virtualenv
- create a virtual environment (perhaps in this directory):
virtualenv _ve
- activate the virtualenv:
. _ve/bin/activate
- install pip requirements:
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
(you may be required to upgrade your version of setuptools via the provided command) - install asl_f4_loader in dependencies folder: pip install asl_f4_loader-X.X.X.tar.gz
- install buildozer from
- from the root RaceCapture app directory, run ./ . buildozer will download files as necessary and build the apk
- if buildozer fails with a cython error, install cython from your package manager
- if buildozer fails with an Android SDK error, enter the ~/.buildozer directoy and run android update sdk -u from the android tools directory.
- Ensure your android device is in developer mode and plug it in via usb
- install / launch the app using ./
- Console / debug output will appear on screen as app is downloaded, installed and run