This is an official implementation for our NeurIPS 2020 paper: Adversarial Style Mining for One-Shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptation. In this paper, we aim at the problem named One-Shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptation. Unlike traditional Unsupervised Domain Adaptation, it assumes that only one unlabeled target sample can be available when learning to adapt.
- Python 3.6
- GPU Memory >= 32G
- Download DeepLab_resnet_pretrained_init-f81d91e8.pth and put it under
- Download vgg_normalized.pth/decoder_iter_160000.pth/fc_encoder_iter_160000.pth/fc_decoder_iter_160000.pth and put them under
- Download GTA5
- Download Cityscapes
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu_id> python --snapshot-dir ./snapshots/GTA2Cityscapes
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES==<gpu_id> python
We also provide our Pretrained ASM models for direct evaluation. These models are trained using 32G V100.
The first model is consist with our reported IoU result in the paper. mIoU = 44.53:
The second model is trained recently, whose performance is slightly higher than the paper. mIoU = 44.78:
- If you find this code useful, please consider citing
title={Adversarial Style Mining for One-Shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptation},
author={Luo, Yawei and Liu, Ping and Guan, Tao and Yu, Junqing and Yang, Yi},
booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
CLAN: One-shot UDA is a realistic but more challenging setting than UDA, which we tried to solve in our CVPR2019 oral paper "Taking A Closer Look at Domain Shift: Category-level Adversaries for Semantics Consistent Domain Adaptation".
Copy and Paste GAN: RAIN is also employed as a strong data augmentation module in our CVPR2020 oral paper "Copy and Paste GAN: Face Hallucination from Shaded Thumbnails".