Vanity public key generator for Graphene based blockchains.
Requires installed OpenSSL library (version 1.1).
The program expects one command line argument: a pattern to search for.
Due to the way how Graphene based blockchains generate public key, the pattern the program search for starts at the second character (the pattern is preceded by a digit).
Generates public and private keys without a blockchain prefix. Prefix the public key with DCT to get keys for the DECENT blockchain.
to the root directory on an OpenSSL installation if CMake can not locate it:
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/openssl_root_dir
$ vanity_address_gen rich
public key: 7richUiVWesUUGUiMLho4JSkdmviUDHJWBVSaL5UhV3sQW9C3r
private key: 5HtSKXr7VVfs4dwrWjXAdPRm5DwzFGqC7oq7fJZCtaCgHkdyk6J