249 commits
to new-website
since this release
Thanks for following! This is the update of rūrusetto.
- Update french translation from POEditor (#323)
- Internationalize string in codebase (#324) : Note that the text may still not show the translation since it need a refactor for using cookie as language instead of render on each page.
This update fetch the french translation from POEditor project that's almost finish and add the string internationalization in codebase to make the text that's render from the codebase to be internationalized.
If you found any issues or have any suggestion you can make issue in this repositories, make a new discussions or tag me on discord dev server at #rulesets-wiki. This website will not be better without your comments. I want this website to running by community, not just me!
We are finding the new cover picture for the website. If you are an artist and you want to contribute to this website please read this, thanks!
Have a good day and have fun!