This is term project for CMSC-611 Advance Computer Architecture. This project generates a Tomasulo Algorithm Simulation Environment with GUI.
Use the package manager pip to install PyQT.
pip install PyQT
To run the project, run the file
To change the program(set of instructions) that is ran in simulation, make changes in the file.
Description of variables that can be altered:
num_of_register : number of total registers in the system
instruction_win_size : size of the instruction window
rob_size: size of reorder buffer
functional_units : list of available functional units
ADD Dest, Source1, Source2 // Dest = Source1 + Source2
SUB Dest, Source1, Source2 // Dest = Source1 - Source2
MUL Dest, Source1, Source2 // Dest = Source1 * Source2
DIV Dest, Source1, Source2 // Dest = Source1 / Source2
LD Dest, Source1, Source2 // Dest = Value
BGE Source1, Source2, Location // Branch to Location if Source1 greater than or equal to Source2
BNEZ Source1, Location // Branch to location if Source1 not equal to zero
BEQZ Source1, Location // Branch to location if Source1 equal to zero