Multiple programmable switches for HomeKit using M5Paper.
- Currently, 8 buttons can be defined.
- M5Paper alone can work as a HomeKit accessory. (No need for Homebridge, etc.)
- The button design can be changed by the simple UI drawing class.
- Supports single tap only. Double tap and long press are not supported.
- M5Paper (Web site:
- PlatformIO
In this repository, I used the forked ESPHap.
In the ESPHap official repository, only up to six buttons could be added, so I forked and changed the value of #define
And standard Arduino ESP library already contains base64.h file(here).
Forked ESPHap includes this change.
wolfSSL also uses a forked repository.
cd <your workspace>
git clone
cd M5PaperMultiDimmerSwitch
Change your Wifi SSID and password(src/wifi_info.h
#ifndef _WIFI_INFO_H_
#define _WIFI_INFO_H_
const char *ssid = "ssid";
const char *password = "password";
Build it by the PlatformIO.
If you want to change the image of the button, use the following.
If you want to change the font, use the following.
M5PaperMultiDimmerSwitch is under MIT license