Takes a message, up to 10kb, and relays it from the blockstream satillite.
This service requires MESG Core to be installed first.
You can install MESG Core by running the following command or follow the installation guide.
bash <(curl -fsSL https://mesg.com/install)
Download the source code of this service, and then in the service's folder, run the following command:
mesg-core service deploy
Event key: invoice-generated
Example of it being used below:
serviceID: 'satillite-mesg-service',
taskKey: 'fetchInvoice',
inputData: JSON.stringify({ // The input data that task needs
message: "<YOUR MESSAGE>",
senderid: "<YOUR MESSAGE ID>"
This will emit an 'invoice generated event' which will include a testnet lightning invoice that needs to be paid for the service to complete its broadcast
serviceID: 'satillite-mesg-service',
eventFilter: 'invoice-generated' // The event we want to listen
}).on('data', event => {
const invoiceData = JSON.parse(event.eventData)
const data = JSON.stringify({ // The input data that task needs
apikey: '<YOUR API KEY HERE>',//Leaving my API key here. Generate your own here https://dev.opennode.co/
invoice: invoiceData.invoice || "EMPTY INVOICE",
invoiceId: invoiceData.invoiceid || "0"
console.log('invoice generated detected, sending data: ' + data)
serviceID: 'lightning-service',
taskKey: 'payInvoice',
inputData: data
}).catch((err) => console.log(err.message))
.then((result) => console.log('Invoice Paid Successfully, Message sent from space!'))
}).on('error', (err) => console.log(err.message))
Name | Key | Type | Description |
authtoken | authtoken |
String |
invoice | invoice |
String |
invoiceid | invoiceid |
String |
uuid | uuid |
String |
Task key: fetchInvoice
Name | Key | Type | Description |
message | message |
String |
senderid | senderid |
String |
Output key: failure
Name | Key | Type | Description |
message | message |
String |
Output key: success
Name | Key | Type | Description |
status | status |
String |