Stacked Autoencoder Neuroevolution
saene.pdf is a shortened version of the master thesis as a research paper.
This project implements a neuroevolution strategy for autoencoders. It implements a stacked autoencoder model using tensorflow.
To run the code python3.6 is required. All package requirements are listed in the requirements.txt
I recommend to run this code in a virtual python environment. To do this,
install virtualenv using pip with pip3 install virtualenv
on Linux.
To create the virtual environment use virtualenv on Linux or venv on MacOs:
virtualenv -p python3 machine-learning
python3 -m venv machine-learning
Activate the virtual environment by running source machine-learning/bin/activate
Next install the requirements from the requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
If the requirements change the requirements.txt can be updated using
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Sphinx project that contains the documentation for the code.
Update the documentation by running make html
from the docs/ folder. The
virtual environment has to be activated for this to work.
To regenerate the package documenation (after major changes) delete the
contents of the source/ directory and run sphinx-apidoc -o source/ ../saene/
from the docs/ directory.