This Cloud Foundry CLI plugin is designed to support local development of multi-target applications (MTAs) in Cloud Foundry. The default-env
command creates a local default-env.json
file containing the environment variables of a specified Cloud Foundry application. These variables typically include connection details for bound Cloud Foundry services such as SAP HANA HDI Containers, XSUAA (User Account and Authentication), and intra-MTA destinations defined in the mta.yaml
file. The environment variables written to default-env.json
and destinations
. The default-env.json
file is used by @sap/approuter and @sap/hdi-deploy when running locally and it's also possible to use default-env.json
from your own Node.js applications via @sap/xsenv as follows:
const xsenv = require("@sap/xsenv");
Installed CloudFoundry CLI - Ensure that CloudFoundry CLI is installed and working. For more information on installing CloudFoundry CLI, please refer to the official CloudFoundry documentation.
Check if you have a previous version installed by running cf plugins
. If the DefaultEnv plugin is already installed, you need to uninstall it first and then to install the new version. You can uninstall the plugin by running cf uninstall-plugin DefaultEnv
This version of the DefaultEnv CF CLI plugin is not yet available in the CF community repository.
You can install any version of the plugin by manually downloading it from the releases page and installing the binaries for your specific operating system.
The latest version of the plugin can be downloaded from the project's releases page. Download the plugin for your platform (Darwin, Linux, Windows) and install it using the following command:
cf install-plugin <path-to-the-binary> -f
or from URL:
cf install-plugin
If you are running on a Unix-based system, you may need to make the plugin executable before installing it. To do this, run:
chmod +x <path-to-the-plugin>
The DefaultEnv CF plugin supports the following commands:
Command Name | Command Description |
default-env |
Create default-env.json file with environment variables of an app. Usage cf default-env myapp |
For more information, see the command help output available via cf [command] --help
or cf help [command]
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Copyright 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company and cf-cli-defaultenv-plugin contributors. Please see our LICENSE for copyright and license information. Detailed information including third-party components and their licensing/copyright information is available via the REUSE tool.