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Scada LTS docker compose tutorial

Kamil Jarmusik edited this page Jan 2, 2023 · 5 revisions

Running Scada-LTS on Docker

    We do not recommend using docker in a production environment. However, if you decide to make docker save data permanently, you need to configure volumes:

Docker installation

Docker installation is explained on the official Docker site. If you are a newbie to the Docker Environment we suggest to get acquainted with Getting started Guide. When everything is installed you can proceed.

Introduction to docker-compose

Docker Compose is a tool for running multi-container applications on Docker defined using the Compose file format. A Compose file is used to define how the one or more containers that make up your application are configured.
~Docker Compose GitHub

Inside docker-compose.yml file you will find the docker enviroment description to run Scada-LTS. There are two services defined: 'database' and 'scadalts'. If you have your containers running you can access to the as to classic docker containers using commands that are described in the Scada-LTS Docker Tutorial.

The first one is a MySQL database server service that is based on the official mysql-server:5.7 image with provided initial configuration like a database name and so on. It has exposed a port 3306 to the host machine so you can connect to it from your host machine using for example Workbench application.

Second is our Scada-LTS application container that was based on the Tomcat Image. We provide our Scada-LTS.war file to Tomcat /webapps directory and we set-up the configuration of server to run it. During the Scada-LTS docker image build process we paste the context XML file into Tomcat /config directory where we specify the database connection to database container. By default Scada-LTS has exposed port 8080 and 8000 to the host so you can access it from your host machine.

    You can change the database reference if you attach to running container with interactive shell. Just change the url parameter inside <Resource ...> xml tag. How to attach to running container see Attaching interactive shell section below.


Creating and starting containers

Using docker-compose you can start complete environment with all the services using just one command. But there is also a possibility to start just one service. To do that you can use the following commands that for example start just the database service:

docker-compose up database

Then you can run the second one with the application that will be running in the background:

docker-compose up -d scadalts

Show running containers

docker-compose ps

Stopping containers

To stop the scadalts container even if it is working in a background you can stop it with the following command:

docker-compose stop scadalts

Updating containers

For example a new version of Scada-LTS is available so you can update the container with the following command:

docker-compose pull

Removing containers

To clear your environment you can remove all the containers.

  • That will make that data stored inside database will be lost!
docker-compose down

Running Scada-LTS

Changing the scadalts tag inside docker-compose.yml file you can easly switch between different versions of Scada-LTS. Finally when server will be running the application should be available from any browser on following address:


Stable version

By default in docker-compose.yml there is a reference to the scadalts/scadalts image with master tag in scadalts service. Master tag is the latest stable version of Scada-LTS. Stable varsions are that that was merged with master branch of our code.

Latest version

You can change that tag to latest to run the latest version of Scada-LTS based on the latest release version (eg. image: scadalts/scadalts:latest). Everytime the new release is published that image will be updated. But you have to run pull command to verify that the image is up-to-date.

Development version

There is an option to run any of avaialabe image of Scada-LTS but you have to find adequate tag on our DockerHub repository.

Access Serial Devices in Docker


I added device sharing for docker, only on unix system(macos x, linux):

   - "/dev/:/dev/"


Assuming there is a COM1 port, change if you have other ports:

   - "COM1:/dev/ttyS1"

See classic Docker approach tutorial.

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