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Fabio Silva edited this page Aug 22, 2022 · 20 revisions

Installing the Broadband Platform involves obtaining a copy of the code and building the required executables. You can either download the tar.gz platform from BBP's GitHub releases page or check the code out of GitHub directly.

Software Dependencies

The Broadband Platform has the following software dependencies in order to compile and run:

  • Python v3.6.7+ with
    • Matplotlib 3.3.0+
    • NumPy 1.18.5+
    • SciPy 1.4.1+
    • Pyproj 2.6.1+
    • Numba 0.55.2+
  • GNU compilers (gcc, gfortran) 8.3+
    • FFTW library 3.3.8

Please make sure they are installed in your computer before you continue with the BBP installation process. Depending on the specific NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib versions users installed in their systems, they may experience certain "Future Warning" messages while running the BBP. In this case, upgrading NumPy, SciPy, and/or Matplotlib will usually make the warning messages disappear. We used the package versions listed above to run the Unit and Acceptance tests.

Easy Installation

Most users will want to use the easy installation procedure described below to install the Broadband Platform to their systems. We recommend that users that want to use the Broadband Platform download the tar.gz file available on GitHub's release page. For advanced users, who would like to make modifications to the BBP and contribute these modifications back to us, we recommend they clone our repository so that it is easier to track their changes to the software.

To install the Broadband Platform on your computer using the easy installation script, please follow these steps:

  • Create a directory on your computer where you want all Broadband packages to be installed:
  $ cd /home/sarah
  $ mkdir bbp
  $ cd /home/sarah/bbp

Then, users can use one of the two method below to obtain a copy of the Broadband Platform software distribution:

Downloading the tar file from GitHub

As mentioned above, one option to obtain the Broadband Platform source distribution is to download a release 'tar.gz' or 'zip' file directly from GitHub's releases page.

  • Download the .tar.gz file from GitHub's releases page into the recently-created directory
  • Uncompress the downloaded file
  $ tar -xzf bbp-22.4.0.tar.gz
  • Delete the tar.gz file as it will not be needed anymore (optional)

Cloning the Broadband repository from GitHub

Another option is for users to clone the Broadband repository from GitHub using the following command:

 $ git clone bbp-22.4.0

Either way, after one of the steps above users should have the Broadband Platform source distribution downloaded into their computers. Then, the next steps are:

  • Run the easy installation script located in the setup sub-directory.
  $ cd bbp-22.4.0/setup
  $ ./

The easy installation script will create a number of other directories inside your top-level bbp directory (/home/sarah/bbp). It will compile the codes in the BBP source distribution, and it will then ask the user which BBP packages should be installed. Each package contains a region (e.g. LA Basin, Northern California, etc). The user should select 1 (Yes) to install the package, or 2 (No) to skip it. Please note that the LA Basin region is required for running the Unit and Acceptance tests provided with the Broadband Platform.

After asking the user about each of the 6 available regions, the easy install script will download and install of these regions. This process can take a while (possibly several hours) when users select several simulation regions. At the end of the installation process, the script will print a number of commands that should be inserted in the user's .bash_profile file. In the example above, you will see an output like:

=> All Done!

Please add the following lines to your bash_profile:

export BBP_DIR=/home/sarah/bbp/bbp-19.4.0/bbp
export BBP_GF_DIR=/home/sarah/bbp/bbp_gf
export BBP_VAL_DIR=/home/sarah/bbp/bbp_val
export PYTHONPATH=/home/sarah/bbp/bbp-19.4.0/bbp/comps
export BBP_DATA_DIR=/home/sarah/bbp/bbp_data
export PATH=/home/sarah/bbp/bbp-19.4.0/bbp/comps:/home/sarah/bbp/bbp-19.4.0/bbp/utils/batch:$PATH
ulimit -s unlimited

After installing the Broadband Platform on their systems, users should confirm the code is built correctly by running Unit and Acceptance Tests before starting to use the code for research purposes.

Using a User Response File

If you are performing repeated installations, you may want to put the required inputs into a file and run the installation as a script, something like the following:

Create install_inputs.txt containing these lines: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Then, in bbp setup directory: (e.g. /home/scec-00/maechlin/bbp/bbp/setup)

./ < install_all_inputs.txt &> install_results.log &

This will run the installation in the background without any users interactions, and will write stdout and error messages to the install_results.log file.