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Philip Maechling edited this page Dec 10, 2021 · 1 revision script

Once the bbp image has been built, it can be run with this script: $

This script mounts the ./target subdirectory in the container. It will pull the bbp image specified in this file from a local Docker repo, or from Dockerhub if not found locally. The images are 50GB+, so if they are downloaded from Dockerhub, it may take more than an hour to start up the container. Once the image is cached locally, the container will start up rapidly.

Once BBP Containers starts up

The user runs the script in terminal window at the command line on their host computer. When they run this script, the command line changes in their terminal window, and the user is presented with a Linux command line prompt. The users should cd into the /app/target directory. The files from their host computer (e.g. the files in /Users/maechlin/bbp_docker/target) will found in this directory. When the users runs the bbp platform from here, the results will be written to subdirectories of /app/target. $cd /app/target

Interaactive BBP Command Line Interface

Users can invoke the BBP command line interface, and the bbp will ask users a series of questions about the simulation they wish to run. $

Run Cmd:

docker run --rm -it --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/target,destination=/app/target sceccode/bbp_docker:MMDDHHMM

This is a coding and configuration test for creating a UCVM docker image that can be run on AWS.

.dockerignore file

There is a .dockerignore file that defines which files not to include in the image. The Dockerfile and this are excluded.

Build Docker images for Nine SCEC CVMs

The top level script is: which invokes docker build 1 time.


This lists the steps needed to build the container. It starts with a amazonlinux base image, add compilers and python.

It copies the ucvm git repo from the build computer into the image, and then invokes the build process. The build process runs, installs results in a directory: /app/bbp

Mount data input output directories

On host system, user invokes docker run. Expectation is that there is a subdirectory call ./target ./target is mounted as /app/bbp_data. Input files can be stored there. Output results will be written there

Potential Limitations

Users must be comfortable running ucvm from a command line interface. This over means they are creating output files, and extracting selected information for plotting. Users must work within limits of images and local computers. There are some size ucvm problems that won't run on their laptops, so we need to warn people what the limits are.

Related Docker git repos

  1. UCVM Docker Wiki
  2. UCVM Docker
  3. BBP Docker Wiki
  4. BBP Docker