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add new disto

add new disto #232

name: ucvm_plotting-ci
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: A job to build ucvm_plotting
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- run: ( echo "UCVM_PLOTTING_PATH=$RUNNER_WORKSPACE/ucvm_plotting" >> $GITHUB_ENV )
shell: bash
# - id: build-ucvm
# uses: SCECcode/UCVM/.github/actions@action
# with:
# target-models: 'cvmh'
- run: echo build-log ${{ }}
shell: bash
- run: which python
- run: which conda
- run: python -V
# - name: Set up Python 2.7.17
# uses: actions/setup-python@v2
# with:
# python-version: '2.7.17'
- name: Set up Conda
uses: s-weigand/setup-conda@v1
update-conda: false
activate-conda: true
# python-version: '2.7.17'
conda-channels: conda-forge
- run: conda --version
- run: which python
- run: which conda
- run: python -V
- run: which python2
- run: python2 -V
- run: pip -V
# - name: bring in basemap
# run: conda install matplotlib basemap basemap-data-hires
# - name: test basemap
# run: (cd $UCVM_PLOTTING_PATH; ./.github/scripts/
# - name: build-self
# run: (cd $UCVM_PLOTTING_PATH; ./.github/scripts/
# shell: bash
# - name: test plotting
# run: (cd $UCVM_PLOTTING_PATH; ./.github/scripts/
# shell: bash