Welcome to the SEI-R-11-8 Class Wiki.
This repository is a place where all of the course content that we've covered can be found. Content is organized by Unit and Week with lesson repos and class recordings for each day.
Daily Javascript Challenges can be found here.
Computer Science Algorithms and Data Structures can be found here.
Class Policies
Below, you will find Class Policies and Requirements as laid out in Orientation and conveyed by the Instructional Team. We compile them here for your reference and review.
Code of Conduct
- Foster a productive classroom environment.
- Treat others with respect and dignity.
- Remember that everyone is coming at this with a different background.
- Professionalism in all methods of communication, both in-person and online.
- Slack is an extension of our on-campus community. We ask that you remain courteous, respectful, and professional while engaging on Slack.
- Zero tolerance for plagiarism and cheating.
Deliverable Submission Requirements
- Deliverables must be submitted following the PR Guidelines.
- Students must meet deliverable requirements for the submission to be marked as "Complete".
- Deliverables are always due the following class day at the beginning of class, unless otherwise stated.
- There is a grace period for re-submission or late submission. All re-submits/late submits are due the Monday following the week of assignment.
- Deliverables assigned on Fridays do not have a re-submit or late submit grace period.
- Deliverables submitted after the grace period will not be graded or accepted and will be marked as "Incomplete".
Graduation Requirements
- Meet Project Requirements.
- Satisfactorily complete and present a project for each of the 4 units.
- Submit and complete a minimum of 80% of deliverables (labs, homework, etc.).
- Adhere to attendance policy.
- Students are allowed 3 absences over the entire course.
- 3 tardies or early departures equals 1 absence.
- Tardy policy includes Outcomes participation.
- Meet Project Requirements.
A Note on Plagiarism
- Plagiarism is a serious offense and grounds for immediate withdrawal.
- You are encouraged to ask others, including students, instructors, and Stack Overflow for help. However, it is not acceptable to copy another persons code and submit it as your own. More importantly, it is detrimental to your learning and growth.
- Small snippets of code that solve small problems taken from Stack Overflow are generally an exception to this rule. If you aren't sure, it is your responsibility to ask your instructor. To be on the safe side, we ask that you credit the person/resource you got the code from in a comment, and let an instructor take a look at it.
Observed Holidays
The following dates are observed Holidays for this immersive. There will be no class days on or within any of the date ranges listed below. If you have any questions regarding Holidays, or have a special circumstance, please don't hesitate to reach out to your instructional team.
Holiday Dates Veteran's Day November 11th, 2021 Thanksgiving November 24th, 2021 - November 26th, 2021 Christmas/New Year's December 24th, 2021 - December 31st, 2021 Martin Luther King Jr. Day January 17th, 2022
Unit 1 - HTML / CSS / JavaScript
Week 1
In Week 1, we review the fundamental concepts of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript along with introducing git workflow, terminal commands, and writing professional markdown files.
Week 2
In Week 2, we practiced more DOM Manipulation and were introduced to Daily JavaScript Challenges and basic algorithmic problem solving. We and learned about ES6 syntax along with Higher Order Functions and Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript.
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Intro Daily JS Challenges JS HOF Box Model Practice Project Worktime Project Worktime JS Objects JS HOF Lab JS Fast & Furious Lab Jurassic Objects Lab Intro to OOP P1 Prompt ES6 Syntax OOP Exercise Lab ES6 Lab Donut Adventure Homework JS HOF Homework
Unit 2 - Full Stack Development w/ React
Week 4
In Week 4, we started the week by learning how to call on external data sources with APIs. Then we learned all about React and what an amazing JavaScript library it can be for developers. We learned the concepts of components, props, and about React Hooks and functional components. We learned about useState and how to use it to manage our state within our apps.
Week 5
In Week 5, we moved into more complicated React Hooks like useEffect and useReducer. We learned about the idea of conditional rendering and how we can use our user's input to influence our output. We were also introduced to React Router and got to see how it gives us powerful new tools to build our React Apps. Then we were introduced to back-end and got to practice using Express and Express Middleware. We also learned how to implement controllers. We then got a taste of MongoDB and mongoose as a way to store our app's data.
Unit 3 - Full Stack Development w/ Redux
Week 7
In Week 7, we were introduced to React Redux as a new way to manage our state in React! We learned about Reducers, Actions, and Types. We also learned how to map our state and actions to props. We also learned how to use a middleware called thunk in conjunction with Redux. We were introduced to SQL databases and started to learn SQL commands to interact with our database. We also learned about the concept of SQL Joins.
Week 8
In Week 8, we learned all about Sequelize and how it can interpret for our SQL database and our backend Node servers. We learned how to make queries, migrations, and associations. We also learned all about how to integrate user authentication in our apps.
Unit 4 - Full Stack Development w/ Vue.js & Python
Week 10
In Week 10, we learned a new framework called Vue.js and how it is set up differently than React and other libraries we've used. We learned how to use State Methods, Directives, Events, and Emitters in Vue. We also learned how to use Vue with APIs, and how to use Vue Router to direct our page. Later in the week, we were introduced to Python and learned about functions, control flow, loops, and dictionaries.
Week 11
In Week 11, we continued with Python by learning about tuples and OOP in Python. We then got a quick intro to Django and how to set up Auth in Django. At the end of the week, we got to participate in a Hackathon!
Additional Resources
Below is a list of additional resources that were hand-picked by your instructors. If you find that you don't have the time during the immersive, these resources will still help to solidify your understanding of key concepts after graduation.
Practice - sites to hone your skills
Cheatsheets - quick references