Flutter Mobile Application built with the simple fanctionality to allow user to fetch and view different movie informaion on Android and ios Mobile devices.
Film Fan Functionality
As a customer, I want to be able to view a list of movies that are now playing :
- The list should include the title of the movie, the release date, the vote average and the movie poster
- The list should show only the first page of results
- The list should be sorted alphabetically
As a customer, I want to be able to select a movie and view more details :
- The movie detail page should include the movie title, the year of release, an overview of the movie, the genre, the rating and the movie poster
- The movie detail page should show the list of the actors and their characters in the movie
As a customer I want to be able to vote for a movie :
- On the detailed movie page, there should be a set of stars that the user can use to rate the movie
- The rating should be posting back to the API
As a customer I want to see a list of similar / recommended movies :
- The product owner was not clear on what he required. It’s up to you to figure out the best way to do this. (Hint: use the APIs)
As a customer I want to be able to add a movie to ‘My Favourites’ :
- Each movie in the list and details page should have a button for adding to favourites
- The list of currently added favourites should be displayed in a list either on a page or on a dropdown
To deploy this project run
Open Android Studio
Import the project folder(Android project)
Via Android Studio Deploy the project to device of you choise
NB: Make sure you are connected to internet to access all functionality.
- Now Playing
- Movie Details
- Rating Movie
- Liking(Saving to Favourites)
- Unliking (Deleting from Favourites)
- Similar Movies
- Liked(SavedFavourites Movies)
You can download the APK on