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3. Configuration

Seblii edited this page Jun 10, 2023 · 5 revisions



if 'true': automatic Backups are enabled and will be created every day by default. If 'false': automatic Backups are disabled and no automatic Backups will be created, but you can still use the "/backup create" command - Default: 'true'


(enabling this feature will disable the feature "DeleteOldBackups")

the number of total Backups you want to keep (e.g. if you want to keep only the 5 latest Backups you must set this to '5' - older Backups will be removed to save storage space). You can disable this feature by setting it to '0', otherwise it will disable the option "DeleteOldBackups" - Default: '0'


  1. BackupTimer.Days = the days on which a Backup should be created
  2. BackupTimer.Times: the time of day on which a Backup should be created (only on the days you set on "BackupTimer.Days")


a list of all worlds for which an automatic Backup will be created - Default: (List of 'world', 'world_nether', 'world_the_end')


the time (in days) from which old Backups will be removed (e.g. if you set this to '5', Backups which are 5 days old or older than that will automatically be removed at the time when the automatic Backups are created) - Default: '14'


keeps unique backups, no matter how old there are (e.g. there is a world / folder which you only backed up ones. This folder will not be deleted automatically, because it is the only one.) This feature will always keep the newest unique backup - Default: 'false'


notifies you whenever a newer version of this plugin is available. It is highly recommended to leave this option set to 'true' to be aware of new feature and security updates - Default: 'true'


the file location where your backups are stored - Default: 'Backups//'


sends additional information (e.g. about zipping/unzipping files in player chat when using the command "/backup zip" or "/backup unzip"), can be used to troubleshoot - Default: 'false'