Generate and run fMRIPrep SLURM jobs on HPCs.
It is carefully designed and optimized to run the preprocessing on a BIDS dataset. It has also the advantage to prepare the dataset by checking the integrity, and caching some of the BIDS database artifacts.
Originally from
positional arguments:
bids_path BIDS folder to run fmriprep on.
derivatives_name name of the output folder in derivatives.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--preproc PREPROC anat, func or all (default: all)
--slurm-account SLURM_ACCOUNT
SLURM account for job submission (default: rrg-pbellec)
--email EMAIL email for SLURM notifications
--container CONTAINER
name of the fmriprep singularity container under the default container location (default: fmriprep-20.2.1lts)
a space delimited list of participant identifiers or a single identifier (the sub- prefix can be removed)
--output-spaces OUTPUT_SPACES [OUTPUT_SPACES ...]
a space delimited list of templates as defined by templateflow (default: ["MNI152NLin2009cAsym, MNI152NLin6Asym"])
--fmriprep-args FMRIPREP_ARGS
additionnal arguments to the fmriprep command as a string (ex: --fmriprep-args="--fs-no-reconall --use-aroma")
--session-label SESSION_LABEL [SESSION_LABEL ...]
a space delimited list of session identifiers or a single identifier (the ses- prefix can be removed)
--force-reindex Force pyBIDS reset_database and reindexing
--submit Submit SLURM jobs
--bids-filter BIDS_FILTER
Path to an optionnal bids_filter.json template
--time TIME Time duration for the slurm job in slurm format (dd-)hh:mm:ss (default: 24h structural, 12h functionnal)
--mem-per-cpu MEM_PER_CPU
upper bound memory limit for fMRIPrep processes(default: 4096MB)
--cpus CPUS maximum number of cpus for all processes(default: 16)
Templateflow valid identifiers can be found at
By default, we use the following fMRIPrep arguments:
dependning on the user argument choice.
which takes as an input the cached from pybids.
dependning on the user argument choice.
since beluga compute nodes does not have access to internet, and reduce computation burden.
since it was already done inside fmriprep-slurm
for debugging.
, --nprocs
and --mem_mb
dependning on the user argument choice.
for debugging.
For more information on each of these option, you can check the documentation.