This repository contains the old (matid v0.x) version, and is read-only. The new version is being developed here.
MatID is a python package for identifying and analyzing atomistic systems based on their structure.
For more details and tutorials, visit the homepage at:
The newest versions of the package are compatible with Python >= 3.7 (tested on 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10). MatID versions <= 0.5.4 also support Python 2.7. The exact list of dependencies are given in and all of them will be automatically installed during setup.
The latest stable release is available through pip: (use the -\-user flag if root access is not available)
pip install matid
To install the latest development version, clone the source code from github and install with pip from local file:
git clone
cd matid
pip install .
import numpy as np
from ase.visualize import view
from import bcc100, molecule
from matid import Classifier, SymmetryAnalyzer
# Generating a surface adsorption geometry with ASE.
adsorbent = bcc100('Fe', size=(3, 3, 4), vacuum=8)
adsorbate = molecule("H2O")
adsorbate.rotate(180, [1, 0, 0])
adsorbate.translate([4.3, 4.3, 13.5])
system = adsorbent + adsorbate
system.set_pbc([True, True, True])
# Add noise and defects to the structure
positions = system.get_positions()
positions += 0.25*np.random.rand(*positions.shape)
del system[31]
# Visualize the final system
# Run the classification
classifier = Classifier(pos_tol=1.0, max_cell_size=6)
classification = classifier.classify(system)
# Print classification
print("Structure classified as: {}".format(classification))
# Print found outliers
outliers = classification.outliers
print("Outlier atoms indices: {}".format(outliers))
# Visualize the cell that was found by matid
prototype_cell = classification.prototype_cell
# Visualize the corresponding conventional cell
analyzer = SymmetryAnalyzer(prototype_cell, symmetry_tol=0.5)
conv_sys = analyzer.get_conventional_system()
# Visualize the corresponding primitive cell
prim_sys = analyzer.get_primitive_system()
# Print space group number
spg_number = analyzer.get_space_group_number()
print("Space group number: {}".format(spg_number))