Windows Terminal builder builds windows terminal (semi)automatically.
All of the Prerequirements on Windows Terminal but I'll notify you when to do this : Opening the solution will prompt you to install missing components automatically ...or you can install using vsconfig which has all the components made by me on 07.14.2019.
First of all, Download Make-Terminal.bat
- run Make-Terminal.bat to build Release.
- run Make-Terminal.bat /D to build Debug.
- use --dir Directory to make terminal not on C:\terminal.
- use --git git-URL for not to use Microsoft/terminal git. Git name must be terminal.
After all of progress, source is under C:\terminal or (Your-choice)\terminal and batch file will tell you the exe file path.
- DO NOT run the file at C:\terminal\ (or in there) folder.
- DO NOT run with Windows Terminal. It will be killed.
It will update Terminal if it exists. When updating, you can't use windows terminal.
This script will not be updating automatically.