Firmware manager for Playstation Vita/TV
- a proper readme with function documentation
- mkcfw command line info menu
- (optional) a nicer NPUP gui
"Firmware Image" is a container for EMMC partition images, device firmware updates as well as the enso exploit.
"NPUP" is a PUP-compliant package containing the Firmware Image, a standalone Firmware Image installer (psp2swu.self) as well as additional partition patches.
- Make sure that you have gzip installed in your WSL setup.
- Clone this repository to your local computer and run '.' in WSL.
- Copy all update components the the /create/ directory in a proper format.
- enso as enso.bin
- [partition] as [partition].img
- decrypted [device] update as [device]-XX.bin, encrypted as [device]-XX.pkg
- Run the 'mkcfw_wingui.ps1' powershell script in the /create/ directory
- Select all update components, set Firmware Image info and hit "CREATE"
- Make sure that you have 'Unsafe homebrew' enabled and no game card inserted.
- Put the firmware image in 'ux0:data/fwtool/' as 'psp2cfw'.
- The installer can update partitions with files found in 'ux0:data/fwtool/[part]-patch/'.
- supported [part]itions are: os0, vs0, ur0; ex: 'os0-patch/'.
- the installer will copy contents of the /[part]-patch/ after flashing the fwimage.
- Open fwtool and select 'Flash a firmware image' then press [start] when asked.
- Wait until the installer finishes with 'ALL DONE' or an error.
- Press [circle] to reboot the device.
- Install with any modoru version as you would a normal pup, neighbourhood works too if you have enso
- "dualOS" splits the EMMC in half and adds another OS install - "slaveOS".
- "masterOS" and "slaveOS" are entirely separate, they can be upgraded/downgraded at will
- All partitions are separate, that includes ur0, idstorage, enso etc
- Switching between masterOS and slaveOS is very quick and painless
- To install dualOS use the "Install dualOS" option in fwtool installer
- With dualOS installed there now should be an option to switch between masterOS and slaveOS
- Uninstalling dualOS is not recommended but can be done from masterOS via the SELECT menu.
- "Restore point" is a partial or full EMMC image, it is per-console.
- The image can be restored at any time and on any supported firmware.
- The image size is around 4GB for full and 1GB for partial (without ur0/ux0).
- To create/restore it use the fwtool app:
- 'Create a EMMC image' will create a restore point in 'ux0:data/fwtool/psp2rpoint'
- 'Restore the EMMC image' will flash the restore point from 'ux0:data/fwtool/psp2rpoint'
- mkfs is a filesystem tool that supports various operations on SCE formatted devices/dumps
- mkernie is a syscon update repacker/decryptor/encryptor/cfw-maker
- mksbls is a sbls manager (read, edit, create)
- mkmbr is a mbr manager (read, edit, create)
- This tool was written for firmwares 3.60-3.74, all device types.
- A list of known prebuilt firmware images can be found in nfo.txt
- fwtool has been extensively tested over the past three years, it should not cause any bricks
- It is recommended to install images that include enso_ex v4+ for extra safety.