The goal of this repository is to provide tools and instructions for running a hybrid firmware (HFW) on the Playstation Vita console
- in this case a different firmware/software version than the bootloaders version(s).
- Make sure that you have the latest version of enso_ex ( ) installed and running
- also make sure that your GC-SD adapter is fully functional in case of recovery
- Download the correct 0syscall6 bootmgr version for from and put in ux0:eex/data/ as bootmgr.e2xp
- Download 0syscall6 HFW version from , put it in ur0:tai/ and add to taiHEN config.txt
- Download the correct firmware version fix from and put in ux0:eex/payloads/
- Download the correct sector redirect script from and put in ux0:eex/payloads/
- This is optional for non-dualfw users but highly recommended for recovery purposes
- Copy os0:sm/update_service_sm.self to ux0:eex/data/ as zss_ussm.self; if you have a decrypted kprxauth sm - put it in there as zss_ka.elf
- Open the enso_ex installer and sync scripts; after reboot make sure that 0syscall6 is working correctly, do it before vita goes to sleep
- In os0 you should have the following files: bootmgr.e2xp, patches.e2xd, and zss_ussm.self.
Dual FW lets you run the second firmware from a SD card in a GC-SD adapter; it is experimental and expected to be less stable (but safer) than having a single fw.
- Make sure that you have your GC-SD adapter inserted and detected by the system; use either YAMT or mount as uma0 using another tool
- Download and run the emmcfw->gcsd clone tool from ; it will clone firmware/software sectors to GCSD
- It is recommended to use xerpi's plugin loader for that ( )
- If the load fails it means that the SD card was not detected; also cloning will take some time
- After the clone finishes uninstall your GC-SD driver unless you are using sony's (internal manufacturing mode or yamt)
- Connect your vita to a power supply and boot holding START, if it boots - emunand works
- You can make sure by deleting/adding a file in tm0 and rebooting normally; if the change is not present - emunand works
- Sony's built-in GC-SD driver is very strict in terms of compatibility, not all sd cards will work
- For the rest of this guide use the emunand instead of the internal emmc, HFW will be installed to the emunand.
Currently not all firmwares can be installed on top of current base bootloaders [3.60 | 3.65]
- Check out the issues tab to know what needs to be done to increase compatibility
- Please note that not all homebrew apps/plugins are compatible with all firmwares; HenKaku and TaiHen may be incompatible too.
- 3.61 everything works fine.
- 3.67 - 3.73 everything works fine.
- Download and install the HFW installer (HFWI.vpk); make sure that you have unsafe homebrew enabled in henkaku settings
- Download the desired firmware PUP and extract os0/vs0 fs images from it, you may use for that
- psst, if you don't have the required keys use this fork:
- Put them in ux0:data/hfw/ as os0.bin and vs0.bin; if you are using dualfw put os0:patches.e2xd in ux0:data/hfw/patches.e2xd
- Open the installer and press [start] to flash, it may take some time; after the flash completes it will show you the current HFW info and ask to reboot
- if the vita does not reboot follow the steps in the recovery section
- Open the enso_ex installer and sync scripts.
- Download your original firmware PUP and extract the vs0 fs image from it
- Put it in ux0:data/hfw/ as vs0_r.bin; if you want to go back to a pristine os0 put it as os0_r.bin
- Open the installer and press [start] to restore, it may take some time; after the restore completes it will ask you to reboot
- if the vita does not reboot follow the steps in the recovery section.
With enso_ex you should be able to recover from all possible HFW related soft/"hard" bricks.
- If you corrupt boot_config.txt or suspect that it causes a bootloop hold VOLUP at boot.
- If you synced incompatible patches follow the [Bootloop - broken patches] section; skip this step if you already did it
- Download the correct sdrestore image from , its version should match the current bootloaders version
- Flash this image to an SD card and put it in the GC-SD adapter into the PS Vita GC slot
- Connect the console to a power source and hold [select] and [power] for 20-30s, then keep holding select; it will restore the previous os0.
- If the vita does not show the logo, hold power for 30s afterwards and see if it works
- If the vita shows the bootlogo - go into safe mode and reinstall the firmware, do not follow the next steps
- Dump the first 0x200 bytes from the SD card (using [read] in win32dimg or dd) and open using a hex editor
- if the first 4 bytes are BE BA FE CA (0xcafebabe) - payload did not run (either faulty GC-SD/slot or incorrect image; or just held select for too short); retry from step 1
- if the first 4 bytes are EF BE AD DE (0xdeadbeef) - should not happen, weird, retry from step 1
- if the first 4 bytes are EF BE FE CA (0xcafebeef) - payload finished, if the vita does not boot up then the inactive/recovery os0 is broken; follow the next steps
- if the bytes 12-20 are not 00 - the flash or read failed, make sure its a correct image and retry from step 1; if it still fails create an issue here on github
- Download the correct sdosflash image from , its version should match the current bootloaders version
- Flash this image to an SD card and put it in the GC-SD adapter into the PS Vita GC slot
- Connect the console to a power source and hold [select] and [power] for 20-30s, then keep holding select; it will flash a clean os0.
- If the vita does not show the logo, hold power for 30s afterwards and see if it works; if it still does not - create an issue here on github
- If the vita shows the bootlogo - go into safe mode and reinstall the firmware.
- You can not just hold VOLDOWN to skip patches since bootmgr is required for HFW to boot.
- Download the correct cleanboot image from , its version should match the current bootloaders version
- Flash this image to an SD card and put it in the GC-SD adapter into the PS Vita GC slot
- Connect the console to a power source and hold [select] and [power] for 20-30s, then keep holding select; it will skip all custom patches.
- If the vita does not boot, follow the [Bootloop] section
- While psp2hfw is in beta it should be considered a PoC for advanced users; A 1-click method will come with the next firmware update.
- My base testing firmware is 3.65 and i recommend it for using this toolset with, it assures full compatibility and ease of debugging.
- You can find some pre-extracted filesystem images here:
- Team Molecule for henkaku, taihen, enso and the update_sm 0x50002 write primitive.
- TheFlow for help with the sleep/resume stuff.