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Maple Culvert Tracker


This software helps track Maplestory culvert scores over time!

This software is best used in conjunction with my

Join the Discord server for update notifications! Here: Server under construction.

A lot of work still needs to be done to be considered a well established Open Source software, so it is like Public Source instead.


Install Docker Engine (Linux) or Docker Desktop (Linux/Windows/Mac) for development.
Install Golang 1.23.x or newer versions when developing.
Install Nodejs 20.x or newer even number LTS versions. (Using is recommended)
Enable pnpm with this command:

  • Command: corepack enable && corepack prepare --activate

Small note

Hosting this on the Cloud is recommended to keep stable uptime.

I suggest the following providers for competitive pricing:

You can pick any cpu size, but I'd suggest a minimum of 1gb of ram and 40gb of storage.

developer notes

  1. Setup the discord bot and their permissions and make it join your test server.
  2. Setup the .env file according to .env.template.
  3. Run the chartmaker, db16, valkey containers.
    • Command: docker compose -f base.yml -f dev.yml up -d chartmaker db16 valkey
    • Connect inside the db16 container: docker compose exec db16 sh
    • Run the sql files: psql -U $POSTGRES_USER -d $POSTGRES_DB </root/sqlfiles/createdb.sql
  4. Run the main Go app (discord bot) process and leave it running in the background.
    • Command: go run cmd/main/*.go
  5. Install Nodejs dependencies with pnpm:
    • Command: pnpm i
  6. Run the Website control panel and leave it in the background.
    • Command: cd culvert-web ; pnpm run dev

production deployment

  1. Setup the discord bot and their permissions and make it join your server.
  2. Setup the .env file according to .env.template.
  3. Use docker compose, and run the following command:
    • Command: docker compose up -d
    • Connect inside the db16 container: docker compose exec db16 sh
    • Run the sql files: psql -U $POSTGRES_USER -d $POSTGRES_DB </root/sqlfiles/createdb.sql

backing up the postgres db

  1. Connect to the db container with a shell and run a pg_dump
    • Run: docker compose exec db16 sh -c "pg_dump -U \$POSTGRES_USER -d \$POSTGRES_DB >/root/sqlfiles/dump.sql"
    • The dump.sql is the database dump file (inside the ./sqlfiles/ path)
    • Backup that file "somewhere".

restoring a db backup

  1. Copy the dump inside the container then connect into it and run the sql file.
    • Copy the dump.sql inside the ./sqlfiles/ path.
    • Run: docker compose exec db16 sh
    • Run: psql -U $POSTGRES_USER -d postgres
    • Drop and re-create $POSTGRES_DB: drop database mapleculverttrackerdb; create database mapleculverttrackerdb; then exit the db connection
    • Run the sql backup: psql -U $POSTGRES_USER -d $POSTGRES_DB </root/sqlfiles/dump.sql
    • You are done restoring the backup.


Track culvert score over a x amount of time progress







No releases published
