DeepRF_SLR is multiband spin-echo pulse design method based on the SLR algorithm [1] and deep reinforcement learning. For more information, refer to the accepted paper
e.g., For number of bands (NB) = 7 and time-bandwidth prodcut = 6 refocusing pulse,
At least one NVIDIA GPU is needed, which supporting CUDA 10.1. You need to install following softwares:
- Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
- MATLAB 2019a
- CVX package (
- Python 3.6.8 with following libraries:
- Tensorflow 1.13.1
- Numpy 1.16.4
- Scipy 1.3.0
- MATLAB engine for python (
- Install all prerequisites
- Download the repository and unzip it
- Add directory path of unziped folder (with subfolder) to MATLAB search path
To run DeepRF_SLR, for example, type this commnad in Ubuntu terminal (in the directory where you unzip).
python3 3 6 6 --gpu 0 --lr 1e-4 --nn 8 --nl 256 --gamma 1.0 --iter 100000
You can see the explanation of each argument using following command:
python3 --help
After running the script, 'DeepRF_SLR_refo_design.mat' will be generated.
To see the design result,
run 'DeepRF_SLR_result_generation.m' in MATLAB.
You can see the pulse shapes and simulated slice profile.
'DeepRF_SLR_design_result.mat' will be generated, which contains many datas including designed pulse.
For comparison, we uploaded MATLAB script for the conventional Monte-Carlo algorithm [2].
run 'Monte_Carlo_design.m' in MATLAB.
This will generate 'MC_design_result.mat' that includes designed pulse.
For implementation of DeepRF_SLR, we adopted and modifed MATLAB codes from:
- Root-flipped pulse design functions from Sharma's work [2]
- Basic RF design functions from John Pauly's lab in Stanford
- Amplitude modulated pulse design functions from Seada's work [3]
Thank you for all sharing softwares!
- J. Pauly, P. Le Roux, D. Nishimura, and A. Macovski, “Parameter relations for the Shinnar-Le Roux selective excitation pulse design algorithm,” IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 53-65, Mar. 1991.
- A. Sharma, M. Lustig, and W. A. Grissom, “Root‐flipped multiband refocusing pulses,” Magn. Reson. Med., vol. 75, no. 1, pp. 227-237, Jan. 2016.
- S. Abo Seada, A. N. Price, J. V. Hajnal, and S. J. Malik, “Optimized amplitude modulated multiband RF pulse design,” Magn. Reson. Med., vol. 78, no. 6, pp. 2185-2193, Dec. 2017.
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Dongmyung Shin, Ph.D. candidate, Seoul National University.