A framework for modeling ML-based software development processes.
The framework provides a graphical tool for process modelers to design their own AI/ML development processes, which includes assets for representing activities, artifacts, resources and roles. Those entities have been identified and designed from a literature review on best and actual practices.
We have built our framework on top of the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF).
Additional features have been included, such as:
- A BPMN exporter that converts the process model into a BPMN 2.0 compliant file that can be run by any compatible business process automation platform.
- An HTML documentation generator that creates a single navigable document including all the information extracted from the different entities within a process model.
- Eclipse SDK version 2023-03 (4.27)
- EMF - Eclipse Modeling Framework SDK version 2.33
- Sirius Properties Views - Runtime Support version 7.0.7
- Sirius Properties Views - Specifier Support version 7.0.7
- Sirius Specifier Environment version 7.0.7
- Acceleo version 3.7.12
The MFMLOps graphical modeler can be installed from its Update Site, using the following URL: https://som-research.github.io/MFMLOps/updates/
For step by step installation instructions and an initial model setup, please go to the Graphical Modeler Installation Guide.
The following tree shows the list of the repository's sections:
├── edu.uoc.som.dsl4ai.TDSP // The source code of the TDSP modeled process using the graphical modeler
├── edu.uoc.som.dsl4ai.converter // The source code of both the BPMN exporter and the HTML documentation generator, implemented in Acceleo
├── edu.uoc.som.dsl4ai.design // The designer code of the graphical modeler, including the views' definitions
├── edu.uoc.som.dsl4ai.edit // Code generated from the meta-model in which the designer is based on
├── edu.uoc.som.dsl4ai.editor // Code generated from the meta-model in which the designer is based on
├── edu.uoc.som.dsl4ai.feature // Feature for the Eclipse update sites
├── edu.uoc.som.dsl4ai // Meta-model of the graphical modeler (aka DSL4AI)
└── examples
├── TDSP process
| ├── TDSP.dsl4ai // Concrete syntax of the TDSP method based on the DSL4AI meta-model
| └── representations.aird // XMI file with the visualization of the TDSP method activities and other elements
├── generatedTDSPBPMNProcessModel.bpmn // The generated BPMN 2.0 file from the TDSP modeled process
└── generatedTDSPHTMLDocumentation.html // The generated HTML documentation navigable file from the TDSP modeled process
The examples folder contains outputs based on the Microsoft Team Data Science Process. Namely:
- a TDSP process model built with the MFMLOps graphical modeler;
- a BPMN 2.0 file for enacting the process on any compatible BPM suite; and
- an HTML documentation file to browse the contents and descriptions of the process elements.
Morales, Sergio, Robert Clarisó, and Jordi Cabot. "Towards a DSL for AI Engineering Process Modeling." In Product-Focused Software Process Improvement: 23rd International Conference, PROFES 2022, Jyväskylä, Finland, November 21–23, 2022, Proceedings, pp. 53-60. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-21388-5_4
Domain Specification Language for AI Engineering (PDF)
The source code for the site is licensed under the Eclipse Public License - v 2.0, which you can find in the LICENSE file.