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Palworld Dedicated Server Docker

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Unsure how to get started? Check out this guide I wrote!

This is a Docker container to help you get started with hosting your own Palworld dedicated server.

This Docker container has been tested and will work on both Linux (Ubuntu/Debian) and Windows 10.


At the moment, Xbox GamePass/Xbox Console players will not be able to join a dedicated server.

They will need to join players using the invite code and are limited to sessions of 4 players max.

Server Requirements

Resource Minimum Recommended
CPU 4 cores 4+ cores
RAM 16GB Recommend over 32GB for stable operation
Storage 8GB 20GB

How to use

Keep in mind that you'll need to change the environment variables.

Docker Compose

This repository includes an example docker-compose.yml file you can use to set up your server.

      image: thijsvanloef/palworld-server-docker:latest
      restart: unless-stopped
      container_name: palworld-server
      stop_grace_period: 30s # Set to however long you are willing to wait for the container to gracefully stop
        - 8211:8211/udp
        - 27015:27015/udp
         - PUID=1000
         - PGID=1000
         - PORT=8211 # Optional but recommended
         - PLAYERS=16 # Optional but recommended
         - SERVER_PASSWORD="worldofpals" # Optional but recommended
         - MULTITHREADING=true
         - RCON_ENABLED=true
         - RCON_PORT=25575
         - TZ=UTC
         - ADMIN_PASSWORD="adminPasswordHere"
         - COMMUNITY=false  # Enable this if you want your server to show up in the community servers tab, USE WITH SERVER_PASSWORD!
         - SERVER_NAME="World of Pals"
         - SERVER_DESCRIPTION="Awesome World of Pal"
         - ./palworld:/palworld/

As an alternative, you can copy the .env.example file to a new file called .env file. Modify it to your needs, check out the environment variables section to check the correct values. Modify your docker-compose.yml to this:

      image: thijsvanloef/palworld-server-docker:latest
      restart: unless-stopped
      container_name: palworld-server
      stop_grace_period: 30s # Set to however long you are willing to wait for the container to gracefully stop
        - 8211:8211/udp
        - 27015:27015/udp
         -  .env
         - ./palworld:/palworld/

Docker Run

Change every <> to your own configuration

docker run -d \
    --name palworld-server \
    -p 8211:8211/udp \
    -p 27015:27015/udp \
    -v ./<palworld-folder>:/palworld/ \
    -e PUID=1000 \
    -e PGID=1000 \
    -e PORT=8211 \
    -e PLAYERS=16 \
    -e MULTITHREADING=true \
    -e RCON_ENABLED=true \
    -e RCON_PORT=25575 \
    -e TZ=UTC \
    -e ADMIN_PASSWORD="adminPasswordHere" \
    -e SERVER_PASSWORD="worldofpals" \
    -e COMMUNITY=false \
    -e SERVER_NAME="World of Pals" \
    -e SERVER_DESCRIPTION="Awesome World of Pal" \
    --restart unless-stopped \
    --stop-timeout 30 \

As an alternative, you can copy the .env.example file to a new file called .env file. Modify it to your needs, check out the environment variables section to check the correct values. Change your docker run command to this:

docker run -d \
    --name palworld-server \
    -p 8211:8211/udp \
    -p 27015:27015/udp \
    -v ./<palworld-folder>:/palworld/ \
    --env-file .env \
    --restart unless-stopped \
    --stop-timeout 30 \


All files you will need to deploy this container to kubernetes are located in the k8s folder.

Follow the steps in the here to deploy it.

Using helm chart

Follow up the docs on the for the helm chart to deploy.

Environment variables

You can use the following values to change the settings of the server on boot. It is highly recommended you set the following environment values before starting the server:

  • PORT
  • PUID
  • PGID
Variable Info Default Values Allowed Values
TZ Timezone used for time stamping backup server UTC See TZ Identifiers
PLAYERS* Max amount of players that are able to join the server 16 1-32
PORT* UDP port that the server will expose 8211 1024-65535
PUID* The uid of the user the server should run as 1000 !0
PGID* The gid of the group the server should run as 1000 !0
MULTITHREADING** Improves performance in multi-threaded CPU environments. It is effective up to a maximum of about 4 threads, and allocating more than this number of threads does not make much sense. false true/false
COMMUNITY Whether or not the server shows up in the community server browser (USE WITH SERVER_PASSWORD) false true/false
PUBLIC_IP You can manually specify the global IP address of the network on which the server running. If not specified, it will be detected automatically. If it does not work well, try manual configuration. x.x.x.x
PUBLIC_PORT You can manually specify the port number of the network on which the server running. If not specified, it will be detected automatically. If it does not work well, try manual configuration. 1024-65535
SERVER_NAME A name for your server "string"
SERVER_DESCRIPTION Your server Description "string"
SERVER_PASSWORD Secure your community server with a password "string"
ADMIN_PASSWORD Secure administration access in the server with a password "string"
UPDATE_ON_BOOT** Update/Install the server when the docker container starts (THIS HAS TO BE ENABLED THE FIRST TIME YOU RUN THE CONTAINER) true true/false
RCON_ENABLED*** Enable RCON for the Palworld server true true/false
RCON_PORT RCON port to connect to 25575 1024-65535
QUERY_PORT Query port used to communicate with Steam servers 27015 1024-65535
BACKUP_CRON_EXPRESSION Setting affects frequency of automatic backups. 0 0 * * * Needs a Cron-Expression - See Configuring Automatic Backups with Cron
BACKUP_ENABLED Enables automatic backups true true/false
DELETE_OLD_BACKUPS Delete backups after a certain number of days false true/false
OLD_BACKUP_DAYS How many days to keep backups 30 any positive integer

*highly recommended to set

** Make sure you know what you are doing when running this option enabled

*** Required for docker stop to save and gracefully close the server


Boolean values used in environment variables are case-sensitive because they are used in the shell script.

They must be set using exactly true or false for the option to take effect.

Game Ports

Port Info
8211 Game Port (UDP)
27015 Query Port (UDP)
25575 RCON Port (TCP)

Using RCON

RCON is enabled by default for the palworld-server-docker image. Opening the RCON CLI is quite easy:

docker exec -it palworld-server rcon-cli "<command> <value>"

For example, you can broadcast a message to everyone in the server with the following command:

docker exec -it palworld-server rcon-cli "Broadcast Hello everyone"

This will open a CLI that uses RCON to write commands to the Palworld Server.

List of server commands

Command Info
Shutdown {Seconds} {MessageText} The server is shut down after the number of Seconds
DoExit Force stop the server.
Broadcast Send message to all player in the server
KickPlayer {SteamID} Kick player from the server..
BanPlayer {SteamID} BAN player from the server.
TeleportToPlayer {SteamID} Teleport to current location of target player.
TeleportToMe {SteamID} Target player teleport to your current location
ShowPlayers Show information on all connected players.
Info Show server information.
Save Save the world data.

For a full list of commands go to:

Creating a backup

To create a backup of the game's save at the current point in time, use the command:

docker exec palworld-server backup

This will create a backup at /palworld/backups/

The server will run a save before the backup if rcon is enabled.

Configuring Automatic Backups with Cron

The server is automatically backed up everynight at midnight according to the timezone set with TZ

Set BACKUP_ENABLED enable or disable automatic backups (Default is enabled)

BACKUP_CRON_EXPRESSION is a cron expression, in a Cron-Expression you define an interval for when to run jobs.


This image uses Supercronic for crons see supercronic or Crontab Generat.

Set BACKUP_CRON_EXPRESSION to change the default schedule. Example Usage: If BACKUP_CRON_EXPRESSION to 0 2 * * *, the backup script will run every day at 2:00 AM.

Editing Server Settings

With Environment Variables


These Environment Variables/Settings are subject to change since the game is still in beta. Check out the official webpage for the supported parameters.

Variable Description Default Value Allowed Value
DIFFICULTY Game Difficulty None None,Normal,Difficult
DAYTIME_SPEEDRATE Day time speed - Smaller number means shorter days 1.000000 Float
NIGHTTIME_SPEEDRATE Night time speed - Smaller number means shorter nights 1.000000 Float
EXP_RATE EXP earn rate 1.000000 Float
PAL_CAPTURE_RATE Pal capture rate 1.000000 Float
PAL_SPAWN_NUM_RATE Pal appearance rate 1.000000 Float
PAL_DAMAGE_RATE_ATTACK Damage from pals multipiler 1.000000 Float
PAL_DAMAGE_RATE_DEFENSE Damage to pals multipiler 1.000000 Float
PLAYER_DAMAGE_RATE_ATTACK Damage from player multipiler 1.000000 Float
PLAYER_DAMAGE_RATE_DEFENSE Damage to player multipiler 1.000000 Float
PLAYER_STOMACH_DECREASE_RATE Player hunger depletion rate 1.000000 Float
PLAYER_STAMINA_DECREASE_RATE Player stamina reduction rate 1.000000 Float
PLAYER_AUTO_HP_REGEN_RATE Player auto HP regeneration rate 1.000000 Float
PLAYER_AUTO_HP_REGEN_RATE_IN_SLEEP Player sleep HP regeneration rate 1.000000 Float
PAL_STOMACH_DECREASE_RATE Pal hunger depletion rate 1.000000 Float
PAL_STAMINA_DECREASE_RATE Pal stamina reduction rate 1.000000 Float
PAL_AUTO_HP_REGEN_RATE Pal auto HP regeneration rate 1.000000 Float
PAL_AUTO_HP_REGEN_RATE_IN_SLEEP Pal sleep health regeneration rate (in Palbox) 1.000000 Float
BUILD_OBJECT_DAMAGE_RATE Damage to structure multipiler 1.000000 Float
BUILD_OBJECT_DETERIORATION_DAMAGE_RATE Structure determination rate 1.000000 Float
COLLECTION_DROP_RATE Getherable items multipiler 1.000000 Float
COLLECTION_OBJECT_HP_RATE Getherable objects HP multipiler 1.000000 Float
COLLECTION_OBJECT_RESPAWN_SPEED_RATE Getherable objects respawn interval - The smaller the number, the faster the regeneration 1.000000 Float
ENEMY_DROP_ITEM_RATE Dropped Items Multipiler 1.000000 Float
None: No death penalty
Item: Drops items other than equipment
ItemAndEquipment: Drops all items
All: Drops all PALs and all items.
All None,Item,ItemAndEquipment,All
ENABLE_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_DAMAGE Allows players to cause damage to players False Boolean
ENABLE_FRIENDLY_FIRE Allow friendly fire False Boolean
ENABLE_INVADER_ENEMY Enable invaders True Boolean
ACTIVE_UNKO Enable UNKO (?) False Boolean
ENABLE_AIM_ASSIST_PAD Enable controller aim assist True Boolean
ENABLE_AIM_ASSIST_KEYBOARD Enable Keyboard aim assist False Boolean
DROP_ITEM_MAX_NUM Maximum number of drops in the world 3000 Integer
DROP_ITEM_MAX_NUM_UNKO Maximum number of UNKO drops in the world 100 Integer
BASE_CAMP_MAX_NUM Maximum number of base camps 128 Integer
BASE_CAMP_WORKER_MAXNUM Maximum number of workers 15 Integer
DROP_ITEM_ALIVE_MAX_HOURS Time it takes for items to despawn in hours 1.000000 Float
AUTO_RESET_GUILD_NO_ONLINE_PLAYERS Automatically reset guild when no players are online False Bool
AUTO_RESET_GUILD_TIME_NO_ONLINE_PLAYERS Time to automatically reset guild when no players are online 72.000000 Float
GUILD_PLAYER_MAX_NUM Max player of Guild 20 Integer
PAL_EGG_DEFAULT_HATCHING_TIME Time(h) to incubate massive egg 72.000000 Float
WORK_SPEED_RATE Work speed muliplier 1.000000 Float
IS_MULTIPLAY Enable multiplayer False Boolean
IS_PVP Enable PVP False Boolean
CAN_PICKUP_OTHER_GUILD_DEATH_PENALTY_DROP Allow players from other guilds to pick up death penalty items False Boolean
ENABLE_NON_LOGIN_PENALTY Enable non-login penalty True Boolean
ENABLE_FAST_TRAVEL Enable fast travel True Boolean
IS_START_LOCATION_SELECT_BY_MAP Enable selecting of start location True Boolean
EXIST_PLAYER_AFTER_LOGOUT Toggle for deleting players when they log off False Boolean
ENABLE_DEFENSE_OTHER_GUILD_PLAYER Allows defense against other guild players False Boolean
COOP_PLAYER_MAX_NUM Maximum number of players in a guild 4 Integer
REGION Region String
USEAUTH Use authentication True Boolean
BAN_LIST_URL Which ban list to use string


When the server starts, a PalWorldSettings.ini file will be created in the following location: <mount_folder>/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/PalWorldSettings.ini

Please keep in mind that the ENV variables will always overwrite the changes made to PalWorldSettings.ini.


Changes can only be made to PalWorldSettings.ini while the server is off.

Any changes made while the server is live will be overwritten when the server stops.

For a more detailed list of explanations of server settings go to: shockbyte

Reporting Issues/Feature Requests

Issues/Feature requests can be submitted by using this link.

Known Issues

Known issues are listed in the wiki