- Merged Linux kernel 4.14.304
- Merged CodeLinaro LA.UM.9.1.r1-12800-SMxxx0.QSSI13.0 tag
- Updated LZ4 to 1.9.4
- Updated Wireguard
- Updated BBRv2 TCP algo
- Updated F2FS from Linux 6.2
- Backported multigen-LRU
- Improvements to ZRAM kernel subsystem
- Improvements to UFS kernel subsystem
- Improvements to PSI kernel subsystem
- Improvements to MM kernel subsystem
- Migrated to UCLAMP PELT shecuder setup
- Added support for ANDROID: Incremental fs
- Complete overhaul for Touchscreen drivers
- Complete Overhaul for FOD & DC dimming code (Migrated to CSC implementation)
- Overhauled OC to use display timings up to 90hz (102 will brick your device)
- Dropped SRANDOM due to CRNG merged into AOSP stable
- Dropped more unused drivers
- Tuned F2FS & memory flags
- Moved to CRNG
- Reduced debugging
- Moved to full frequency table
- Build with Neutohron Clang 17
- Other fixes and improvements under the hood
- If your ROM doesn't support multiple Display timings use the atached apk to switch timing for desired display overlock ( i don't recommend anything past 72hz)
- If your ROM has issues with d2w ask the maintainer to migrate to the new implementation since its superior to our legacy implementation & is a part of the patchset for DC dimming & FOD overhaul (the new implementation has no flickers & is a lot faster)
Big tnx to @pwnrazr for help with upstream & for additional changes