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Daniel Peter edited this page Mar 14, 2023 · 37 revisions

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Main historical authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp

CNRS, France and Princeton University, USA $\copyright$ October 2017

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation (see Appendix [cha:License]).

Please note that by contributing to this code, the developer understands and agrees that this project and contribution are public and fall under the open source license mentioned above.

Evolution of the code:

version 4.0, March 2023: Rafael Almada, Jean-Paul Ampuero, Etienne Bachmann, Kangchen Bai, Stephen Beller, Jordan Bishop, Alexis Bottero, Emanuele Casarotti, Clement Durochat, Rene Gassmoeller, Hom Nath Gharti, Leopold Grinberg, Aakash Gupta, Foivos Karakostas, Dimitri Komatitsch, Qinya Liu, Geordie McBain, Ryan Modrak, Vadim Monteiller, Masaru Nagaso, Elif Oral, Daniel Peter, Elliott Sales de Andrade, James Smith, Carl Tape, Eduardo Valero Cano, Huihui Weng, Zhinan Xie: various code improvements (fault solver, FK/DSM/AxiSEM coupling, gravity perturbations, energy integrals); inverse problem module; parallel heuristic mesh decomposer; ADIOS2 file I/O support; ASDF seismogram output; HIP GPU support.

version 3.0, December 2014: many developers. Convolutional PML, LDDRK time scheme, bulk attenuation support, simultaneous MPI runs, ADIOS file I/O support, new seismogram names, Deville routines for additional GLL degrees, tomography tools, unit/regression test framework, improved CUDA GPUs performance, additonal GEOCUBIT support, better make compilation, git versioning system.

version 2.1, July 2012: Max Rietmann, Peter Messmer, Daniel Peter, Dimitri Komatitsch, Joseph Charles, Zhinan Xie: support for CUDA GPUs, better CFL stability for the Stacey absorbing conditions.

version 2.0, November 2010: Dimitri Komatitsch, Nicolas Le Goff, Roland Martin and Pieyre Le Loher, University of Pau, France, Daniel Peter, Jeroen Tromp and the Princeton group of developers, Princeton University, USA, and Emanuele Casarotti, INGV Roma, Italy: support for CUBIT meshes decomposed by SCOTCH; much faster solver using Michel Deville’s inlined matrix products.

version 1.4 Dimitri Komatitsch, University of Pau, Qinya Liu and others, Caltech, September 2006: better adjoint and kernel calculations, faster and better I/Os on very large systems, many small improvements and bug fixes.

version 1.3 Dimitri Komatitsch, University of Pau, and Qinya Liu, Caltech, July 2005: serial version, regular mesh, adjoint and kernel calculations, ParaView support.

version 1.2 Min Chen and Dimitri Komatitsch, Caltech, July 2004: full anisotropy, volume movie.

version 1.1 Dimitri Komatitsch, Caltech, October 2002: Zhu’s Moho map, scaling of $V_{s}$ with depth, Hauksson’s regional model, attenuation, oceans, movies.

version 1.0 (MPI) Dimitri Komatitsch, Caltech, USA, May 2002: first MPI version based on global code.

Dimitri Komatitsch, IPG Paris, France, December 1996: first 3-D solver for the CM-5 Connection Machine, parallelized on 128 processors using Connection Machine Fortran.

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