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Brady Stroud [SSW] edited this page Sep 16, 2024 · 25 revisions

Welcome to the SSW.People wiki!


Open Source - Encourage developers around the world to use

For information on why we created SSW.People, read Adam’s blog post about this project. You can also watch the video on why we chose GitHub as the backend for SSW.People.

This is the developer information (for customizing, re-branding and deploying) --> Look right

We've found the best hosting for a static site such as SSW People is Microsoft Azure Static Web Apps, but you can use something else if you wish. Azure Static Web App
Figure: Azure Static Web App Flow

SSW.People Architecture Diagram

Figure: SSW.People Architecture Diagram

Tech Stack

  • Back end - GitHub (WebAPI- the profile info will be public) + CRM (WebAPI - the skills will be internal)
  • Front end – Gatsby (generates static pages + can call APIs)

Current Functionality

  • 💰 Commercial - gives credit to SSW (can pay to remove via GitHub sponsors)
  • Improve Maintenance (less work on photos - currently 3 different images for each employee)
  • Widgets
    • Main widget - The profile text
    • Picture widget - The fun images
    • Audio widget 🔊
    • Main widget - The badges 🏆
    • The YouTube playlist (via Social)
    • The GitHub contributions (via Social)
    • Social widget - on the left
    • Main widget - The upcoming talks 📢

Note: User instructions are over at

Next Step: Customizing, Re-branding and Deploying SSW.People >

SSW.People YouTube Channel