Maintainers: Marco Wise, John Bickar, Shea McKinney, Kellie Brownell
A drush make and Drupal install profile for new sites on the Drupal Hosting Service at Stanford ("Stanford Sites").
Leading-edge development occurs on this branch, 7.x-2.x. This branch may or may not reflect what is installed on
The -installed branches (6.x-1.x-installed, 7.x-1.x-installed, 7.x-2.x-installed) track what is installed on Check out the latest tag on one of those branches to match what is currently installed on
- Run
drush make make/group.make
to create a group or personal site (includes the Stanford Basic theme;drush make
will fail if you do not have access to that private theme repository. You may want to use the--force-complete
flag). - Run
drush make make/dept.make
to create a department site (includes Stanford-specific themes;drush make
will fail if you do not have access to the private theme repositories). - Run
drush make make/anchorage.make
to create a department site for the Anchorage hosting environment (includes Stanford-specific themes;drush make
will fail if you do not have access to the private theme repositories).
Install using drush like so:
drush si stanford --account-mail="" --site-mail="" --site-name="Stanford Sites Install" --account-name="admin" --account-pass="admin" install_configure_form.stanford_sites_org_type="group" install_configure_form.stanford_sites_tmpdir="sites/default/files/tmp" install_configure_form.stanford_sites_requester_email="" install_configure_form.stanford_sites_requester_name="Leland Stanford, Jr." install_configure_form.stanford_sites_requester_sunetid="sunetid" -y
Additional flags for "drush si":
To use SimpleSAMLphp instead of webauth:
To use Amazon S3 as the file system instead of local file system:
install_configure_form.enable_s3fs=1 install_configure_form.awssdk2_access_key="INSERT_KEY_HERE" install_configure_form.awssdk2_secret_key="INSERT_SECRET_KEY_HERE" install_configure_form.s3fs_bucket="BUCKET_NAME_HERE" install_configure_form.s3fs_bucket_region="us-west-2"