Software for enumerating crystal structure prototypes which can by used for active learning exploration with DFT and machine learning.
Using the setup script:
$ python install
Protosearch can be used to enumerate structures from experimental prototypes, taken as the ICSD entries in the OQMD database. The code make all possible atomic substitutions, and finds appropiate values for lattice constants. The proximity parameter sets the minimum allowed distance between atoms, in units of the sum of covalent radii of atomic pairs.
The script below generates a set of structures and stores them in an ASE db.
from protosearch.build_bulk.oqmd_interface import OqmdInterface
O = OqmdInterface(source='icsd',
required_elements=[], # set to ['O'] if prototypes must be oxides
Protosearch can also enumerate theoretical prototypes from a bottom up approach. This functionaloty depends on the prototype Bulk Enumerator, accessible upon request from Ankit Jain (
Protosearch uses a Gaussian Process accelerated genetic algorithm to optimize free Wyckoff parameters and lattice angles for the crystal prototypes. Good estimates for metal oxides are obtained by using the Ewald Energy as a measure of structure fitness. For metallic systems, the density of the structure is minimized to get resonable structures.
The example below generates a set of theoretical TiO$_2$ prototypes and stores them in an ASE db.
from protosearch.build_bulk.enumeration import Enumeration, AtomsEnumeration
E = Enumeration("1_2",
num_start=1, # min number of atoms or wyckoffs
num_end=3, # max number of atoms or wyckoffs
SG_start=20, # first spacegroup, default is 1
SG_end=22, # last space group, default is 230
num_type='atom' # enumeration type is 'atom' or 'wyckoff'
E = AtomsEnumeration(elements={'A': ['Ti'],
'B': ['O']},
A single bulk crystal structure can be constructed from a crystal prototype with the BuildBulk class.
from protosearch.build_bulk import BuildBulk
from ase.visualize import view
bulk = BuildBulk(spacegroup=62,
wyckoffs=['c', 'c', 'c'],
species=['Mn', 'N', 'O'])
atoms = bulk.get_atoms(primitive=False)
A crude cell parameter optimization for an existing structure can be performed with the Cell Parameters module.
from protosearch.build_bulk.spglib_interface import SpglibInterface
from protosearch.build_bulk.cell_parameters import CellParameters
SPG = SpglibInterface(atoms)
atoms = SPG.get_conventional_atoms()
spacegroup = SPG.get_spacegroup()
# Get atoms with new lattice constants
CP = CellParameters(spacegroup=spacegroup) # set spacegroup to preserve symmetry
atoms = CP.optimize_lattice_constants(atoms,
atoms = SPG.get_primitive_atoms(atoms)
An automated framework for running calculations on TRI AWS computing resources has been implemented. Initializing an active learning loop, which includes automated structure generation, is shown in the script below.
from protosearch.active_learning.active_learning import ActiveLearningLoop
ALL = ActiveLearningLoop(chemical_formulas=['AB'],
elements = {'A': ['Cu'],
'B': ['O']},
structure_source=['icsd', 'prototypes'],