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Build Status Catapult

$> git clone && cd catapult
$> make all

This will start a local Kind cluster and deploy kubecf on top of it. Remove everything with make clean.

Next, check the First steps wiki page or do:

$> make help
$> make help-all


Catapult is a CI implementation for KubeCF, SCF & Stratos, designed from the ground-up to work locally. This allows iterating and using it for manual tests and development of the products, in addition to running it in your favourite CI scheduler (Concourse, Gitlab…).

Catapult supports several k8s backends: can create CaaSP4, GKE, EKS clusters on its own, and you can bring your own cluster with the "imported" backend.

It is implemented as a little lifecycle manager (a finite state machine), written with Makefiles and Bash scripts.

The deployments achieved with Catapult are not production ready; don't expect them to be in the future either. They are for developing and testing.

It also contains some goodies to aid in development and testing deployments (see make module-extra-*).

To use it in a CI, like travis, see for example:


For now, all documentation is in the project wiki.


Please run catapult's linting, unit tests, integration tests, etc for a full TDD experience, as PRs are gated through them (see "build status" label):

 $> make catapult-tests

Debug catapult with DEBUG_MODE=true.

You can get your local development for SCF or KubeCF, with all needed catapult deps, with:

$> docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -ti --rm splatform/catapult:latest dind

Check out Run in Docker page on the wiki for more options.