This project is no longer used or maintained.
Configuration for my personal k3s
cluster. Deployed and managed using flux.
- Host personal website
- Add traefik dashboard
- Serve aoeii redirector page
- Host aoeii discord bot
- Replace
user with IDP and auth (keycloak
) - Configure
for TLS on ingresses
It is advisable to install pre-commit and the pre-commit hooks that come with this repository. sops-pre-commit will check to make sure you are not by accident committing your secrets un-encrypted.
After pre-commit is installed on your machine run:
pre-commit install -t pre-commit -t commit-msg --install-hooks
GPG encrypted secrets using SOPS can be committed directly as they will be decrypted when deployed by flux. Use the following command to encrypt plain text secrets. The public key is included for encrypting new secrets. Git diffs can be shown in plain text by configuring git correctly.
sops --encrypt --in-place ./cluster/<SECRET_NAME>.sops.yaml
The kubernetes dashboard is deployed via a helm repo.
The dashboard by:
kubectl proxy
The dashboard can then be accessed at http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:https/proxy/
A login token can be obtained by:
kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard describe secret admin-user-token | grep '^token'