This is a Wrapper for the C# bindings (Raylib-CsLo) of Raylib, a 'bare-bones' graphics library.
This is a Wrapper for the C# port (Raylib-CsLo) of Raylib, a 'bare-bones' graphics library. Made with .Net6 on nuget.
For credit, please link back to this repo.
- RayWrapper (wrapper code)
- RayWrapperTester (testing program)
- RayWrapperTesterCollision (collision testing program).
- In game console (can add custom commands, use ` to access console)
- A built in save system using Newtonsoft.Json
NumberClass is included (A big number lib)- no longer included, but it still is on Nuget
- Many premade gameobjects
- Discord rich presence support
- a WIP collision system
- an animation system
- Internal logger and crash log system
TODO: Insert usage instructions here. Say some stuff about adding the NuGet package and .Net version.
new GameBox(new Program(), new Vector2(window width, window height), "title");
public partial class Program : GameScene
public override void Init()
// game object init
// if you have objects that just need to render and update
// then use RegisterGameObj()
// tip: DO NOT init new objects everytime in Update/Render Loops
public override void UpdateLoop()
// put update loop stuff here
public override void RenderLoop()
// put render loop stuff here
- Raylib-CsLo (4.0.0) - C# bindings for the raylib framework
- DiscordRichPresence (1.0.175) - A .NET implementation of Discord's Rich Presence functionality
- Newtonsoft.Json (13.0.1) - Popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET
- @SWCreeperKing - Idea, Initial work, general development & management