This project was developed as part of the master thesis "Automated Generation of a Tree Cadastre From Point Clouds in Different Urban Environments". The full-text of the thesis was published via MediaTUM and can be found here. If you use this code or my master thesis please cite this document:
author = {Zagst, Sabine},
title = {Automatisierte Generierung eines Baumkatasters aus Punktwolken in unterschiedlichen urbanen Umgebungen},
year = {2023},
school = {Technische Universität München},
adress = {München},
language = {de}
The program automatically creates a tree cadastre from a point cloud. The tree cadastre resulting from the automated workflow is subsequently available as a tree parameter list in a CSV file and also as a CityGML file. In the CityGML file, the trees also have a geometric representation in the form of a cylinder-sphere model based on the respective tree parameters. For more details and example results please have a look at the mastersthesis.
- you will need to install:
- Python 3.10 (3.11 will not work because Open3D needs version 3.10)
- FME 2022.2.5 (get FME) with a license
- VS Code
- Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater. Get it with Microsoft C++ Build Tools.
- you will need pointcloud data
- open your favourite terminal
- install pipenv:
pip install pipenv
- clone this git repository:
git clone --recursive
- open VS Code in the automatic-tree-cadastre folder
- open a new terminal in VS Code
- install all needed packages from the Pipfile:
pipenv install
- set all parameters and file paths according to your data in (or main.ipynb)
- run (or main.ipynb) and enjoy the results in the output folder
- either run in the terminal:
pipenv run python
- or switch to the automatic-tree-cadastre environment in VS Code and run or main.ipynb from there
- either run in the terminal:
If you don't have a FME-license you can nevertheless use the code and create a tree cadastre out of your pointclouds. The only drawback will be that you can't create a geometric representation of the trees in CityGML. For that you just have to disable the correspnding lines of code.
For help or further information feel free to contact me: