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Refactors [c]transpose[!] methods operating on SparseMatrixCSCs i…
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…n anticipation of introducing related `permute[!]` methods and taking advantage of JuliaLang#16371 for better structuring. Also adds several tests for these methods.
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Sacha0 committed Jun 20, 2016
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186 changes: 88 additions & 98 deletions base/sparse/sparsematrix.jl
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## Transposition methods

# qftranspose! is the parent method on which the others are built.
qftranspose!{Tv,Ti}(C::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, q::AbstractVector, f)
Column-permute and transpose `A` (`(AQ)^T`), applying `f` to each element of `A` in the
process, and store the result in preallocated `C`. Permutation vector `q` defines the
column-permutation `Q`. The number of columns of `C` (`C.n`) must match the number of
rows of `A` (`A.m`). The number of rows of `C` (`C.m`) must match the number of columns
of `A` (`A.n`). The length of `C`'s internal row-index (`length(C.rowval)`) and
entry-value (`length(C.nzval)`) arrays must be at least the number of allocated entries
in `A` (`nnz(A)`). The length of the permutation vector `q` (`length(q)`) must match the
number of columns of `A` (`A.n`).
This method implements the HALFPERM algorithm described in F. Gustavson, "Two fast
algorithms for sparse matrices: multiplication and permuted transposition," ACM TOMS
4(3), 250-269 (1978). The algorithm runs in `O(A.m, A.n, nnz(A))` time and requires no
space beyond that passed in.
halfperm!{Tv,Ti<:Integer}(X::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti},
q::AbstractVector, f = identity)
Column-permute and transpose `A`, simultaneously applying `f` to each entry of `A`, storing
the result `(f(A)Q)^T` (`map(f, transpose(A[:,q]))`) in `X`.
`X`'s dimensions must match those of `transpose(A)` (`X.m == A.n` and `X.n == A.m`), and `X`
must have enough storage to accommodate all allocated entries in `A` (`length(X.rowval) >= nnz(A)`
and `length(X.nzval) >= nnz(A)`). Column-permutation `q`'s length must match `A`'s column
count (`length(q) == A.n`).
This method is the parent of several methods performing transposition and permutation
operations on `SparseMatrixCSC`s. As this method performs no argument checking, prefer
the safer child methods (`[c]transpose[!]`, `permute[!]`) to direct use.
This method implements the `HALFPERM` algorithm described in F. Gustavson, "Two fast
algorithms for sparse matrices: multiplication and permuted transposition," ACM TOMS 4(3),
250-269 (1978). The algorithm runs in `O(A.m, A.n, nnz(A))` time and requires no space
beyond that passed in.
function qftranspose!{Tv,Ti}(C::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, q::AbstractVector, f)
# Attach source matrix
Am, An = A.m, A.n
Acolptr = A.colptr
Arowval = A.rowval
Anzval = A.nzval
Annz = Acolptr[end]-1

# Attach destination matrix
Cm, Cn = C.m, C.n
Ccolptr = C.colptr
Crowval = C.rowval
Cnzval = C.nzval

# Check compatibility of source and destination
if !(Cm == An)
throw(DimensionMismatch("the number of rows of the first argument, C.m = $(Cm),"
* "must match the number of columns of the second argument, A.n = $(An)") )
elseif !(Cn == Am)
throw(DimensionMismatch("the number of columns of the first argument, C.n = $(Cn),"
* "must match the number of rows of the second argument, A.m = $(Am)") )
elseif !(length(q) == A.n)
throw(DimensionMismatch("the length of the permtuation vector, length(q) = "
* "$(length(q)), must match the number of columns of the second argument,"
* "A.n = $(An)") )
elseif !(length(Crowval) >= Annz)
throw(ArgumentError("the first argument's row-index array's length,"
* "length(C.rowval) = $(length(Crowval)), must be at least the number of"
* "allocated entries in the second argument, nnz(A) = $(Annz)") )
elseif !(length(Cnzval) >= Annz)
throw(ArgumentError("the first argument's entry-value array's length,"
* "length(C.nzval) = $(length(Cnzval)), must be at least the number of"
* "allocated entries in the second argument, nnz(A) = $(Annz)") )

# Compute the column counts of C and store them shifted forward by one in Ccolptr
Ccolptr[1:end] = 0
@inbounds for k in 1:Annz
Ccolptr[Arowval[k]+1] += 1

# From these column counts, compute C's column pointers
# and store them shifted forward by one in Ccolptr
function halfperm!{Tv,Ti<:Integer}(X::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti},
q::AbstractVector, f = identity)
_computecolptrs_halfperm!(X, A)
_distributevals_halfperm!(X, A, q, f)
return X
Helper method for `halfperm!`. Computes `transpose(A[:,q])`'s column pointers, storing them
shifted one position forward in `X.colptr`; `_distributevals_halfperm!` fixes this shift.
function _computecolptrs_halfperm!{Tv,Ti<:Integer}(X::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti},
# Compute `transpose(A[:,q])`'s column counts. Store shifted forward one position in X.colptr.
fill!(X.colptr, 0)
@inbounds for k in 1:nnz(A)
X.colptr[A.rowval[k] + 1] += 1
# Compute `transpose(A[:,q])`'s column pointers. Store shifted forward one position in X.colptr.
X.colptr[1] = 1
countsum = 1
@inbounds for k in 2:(Cn+1)
overwritten = Ccolptr[k]
Ccolptr[k] = countsum
@inbounds for k in 2:(A.m + 1)
overwritten = X.colptr[k]
X.colptr[k] = countsum
countsum += overwritten

# Distribution-sort the row indices and nonzero values into Crowval and Cnzval,
# tracking write positions in Ccolptr
@inbounds for Aj in 1:An
qAj = q[Aj]
for Ak in Acolptr[qAj]:(Acolptr[qAj+1]-1)
Ai = Arowval[Ak]
Ck = Ccolptr[Ai+1]
Crowval[Ck] = qAj
Cnzval[Ck] = f(Anzval[Ak])
Ccolptr[Ai+1] += 1

# Tracking write positions in Ccolptr as in the last block fixes the colptr shift,
# but the first colptr remains incorrect
Ccolptr[1] = 1

transpose!{Tv,Ti}(C::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}) = qftranspose!(C, A, 1:A.n, identity)
ctranspose!{Tv,Ti}(C::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}) = qftranspose!(C, A, 1:A.n, conj)
"See `qftranspose!`" ftranspose!{Tv,Ti}(C::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, f) = qftranspose!(C, A, 1:A.n, f)

qftranspose{Tv,Ti}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, q::AbstractVector, f)
Return-allocating version of `qftranspose!`. See `qftranspose!` for documentation.
Helper method for `halfperm!`. With `transpose(A[:,q])`'s column pointers shifted one
position forward in `X.colptr`, computes `map(f, transpose(A[:,q]))` by appropriately
distributing `A.rowval` and `f`-transformed `A.nzval` into `X.rowval` and `X.nzval`
respectively. Simultaneously fixes the one-position-forward shift in `X.colptr`.
function qftranspose{Tv,Ti}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, q::AbstractVector, f)
Cm, Cn, Cnnz = A.n, A.m, nnz(A)
Ccolptr = zeros(Ti, Cn+1)
Crowval = Array{Ti}(Cnnz)
Cnzval = Array{Tv}(Cnnz)
qftranspose!(SparseMatrixCSC(Cm, Cn, Ccolptr, Crowval, Cnzval), A, q, f)
transpose{Tv,Ti}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}) = qftranspose(A, 1:A.n, identity)
ctranspose{Tv,Ti}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}) = qftranspose(A, 1:A.n, conj)
"See `qftranspose`" ftranspose{Tv,Ti}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, f) = qftranspose(A, 1:A.n, f)
function _distributevals_halfperm!{Tv,Ti<:Integer}(X::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti},
A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, q::AbstractVector, f)
@inbounds for Xi in 1:A.n
Aj = q[Xi]
for Ak in nzrange(A, Aj)
Ai = A.rowval[Ak]
Xk = X.colptr[Ai + 1]
X.rowval[Xk] = Xi
X.nzval[Xk] = f(A.nzval[Ak])
X.colptr[Ai + 1] += 1
return # kill potential type instability

function ftranspose!{Tv,Ti}(X::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, f)
# Check compatibility of source argument A and destination argument X
if X.n != A.m
throw(DimensionMismatch(string("destination argument `X`'s column count, ",
"`X.n (= $(X.n))`, must match source argument `A`'s row count, `A.m (= $(A.m))`")))
elseif X.m != A.n
throw(DimensionMismatch(string("destination argument `X`'s row count,
`X.m (= $(X.m))`, must match source argument `A`'s column count, `A.n (= $(A.n))`")))
elseif length(X.rowval) < nnz(A)
throw(ArgumentError(string("the length of destination argument `X`'s `rowval` ",
"array, `length(X.rowval) (= $(length(X.rowval)))`, must be greater than or ",
"equal to source argument `A`'s allocated entry count, `nnz(A) (= $(nnz(A)))`")))
elseif length(X.nzval) < nnz(A)
throw(ArgumentError(string("the length of destination argument `X`'s `nzval` ",
"array, `length(X.nzval) (= $(length(X.nzval)))`, must be greater than or ",
"equal to source argument `A`'s allocated entry count, `nnz(A) (= $(nnz(A)))`")))
halfperm!(X, A, 1:A.n, f)
transpose!{Tv,Ti}(X::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}) = ftranspose!(X, A, identity)
ctranspose!{Tv,Ti}(X::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}) = ftranspose!(X, A, conj)

function ftranspose{Tv,Ti}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, f)
X = SparseMatrixCSC(A.n, A.m, Vector{Ti}(A.m+1), Vector{Ti}(nnz(A)), Vector{Tv}(nnz(A)))
halfperm!(X, A, 1:A.n, f)
transpose{Tv,Ti}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}) = ftranspose(A, identity)
ctranspose{Tv,Ti}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}) = ftranspose(A, conj)

## fkeep! and children tril!, triu!, droptol!, dropzeros[!]
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cA = sprandn(5,5,0.2) + im*sprandn(5,5,0.2)
@test full(conj(cA)) == conj(full(cA))

# Test SparseMatrixCSC [c]transpose[!] methods
let smalldim = 5, largedim = 10, nzprob = 0.4
(m, n) = (smalldim, smalldim)
A = sprand(m, n, nzprob)
# Test common error checking of [c]transpose! methods (ftranspose!)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch transpose!(A[:, 1:(smalldim - 1)], A)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch transpose!(A[1:(smalldim - 1), 1], A)
@test_throws ArgumentError transpose!((B = similar(A); resize!(B.rowval, nnz(A) - 1); B), A)
@test_throws ArgumentError transpose!((B = similar(A); resize!(B.nzval, nnz(A) - 1); B), A)
# Test overall functionality of [c]transpose[!]
for (m, n) in ((smalldim, smalldim), (smalldim, largedim), (largedim, smalldim))
A = sprand(m, n, nzprob)
At = transpose(A)
# transpose[!]
fullAt = transpose(full(A))
@test transpose(A) == fullAt
@test transpose!(similar(At), A) == fullAt
# ctranspose[!]
C = A + im*A/2
fullCh = ctranspose(full(C))
@test ctranspose(C) == fullCh
@test ctranspose!(similar(sparse(fullCh)), C) == fullCh

# transpose of SubArrays
A = view(sprandn(10, 10, 0.3), 1:4, 1:4)
@test transpose(full(A)) == full(transpose(A))
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