A Linux shell, implemented in C This is a guide for the C shell.
All the source code is written in a single C file "shell.c".
IMPORTANT: I've used readline library in my coded.So, readline library should be installed.Open terminal and type following command
sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev
Guide for Specifications.
Specification 1: Display requirement
- For every prompt,the prompt line starts with the following form <username@system_name:curr_dir
- For this I've used utsbuf struct (in display() function) and for the curr_dir, I've took the link from /proc//exe and made it into "~".
- If the curr_diris in the ~ branch the curr_dir is printed as relative path with respect to ~.But if the curr_dir is not in the ~ branch,the absolute path is shown.
Specification 2: Builtin commands
- Here we talk about only pwd,cd & echo commands.
- There can be any number of spaces between the arguements of any command.
- Flags for the above three commands are not allowed.
- Every command has been hard-coded.
Specification 3: ls command
- It works similar(almost) to the actual ls command.
Specification 4: System commands with and without arguments
- To run a process in foreground, type the command normally.
- To run a process in background, tpye the command and type & and then press Enter.
- Any flags can be used.
Specification 5: pinfo command (user defined)
- To know info of the running C shell, Just type pinfo.
- To know info of a process with known pid, type pinfo and then pid.
Specification 6: Finished Background Processes
- After any background process ends,it shows the exit status and print it on stderr.
Bonus Specification history
- This is inbuilt function in readline library.
- It prints the last 10(without -n flag) commands in the present C shell.
- If mentioned with -n flag, it prints the last n commands(n<20).
- Once the shell is closed, the history is flushed.
How to run the C shell. Run the following commands.
How to use the C shell.
- As the shell prompts, type the commands with flags, options and arguements.
- Now press Enter.
- The command will be executed.